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    >> 本版讨论Semantic Web(语义Web,语义网或语义万维网, Web 3.0)及相关理论,如:Ontology(本体,本体论), OWL(Web Ontology Langauge,Web本体语言), Description Logic(DL, 描述逻辑),RDFa,Ontology Engineering等。
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     * 贴子主题: 关于SPARQL的basic graph to SQL。 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
       本主题类别: RDF/RDFS    
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    发贴心情 关于SPARQL的basic graph to SQL。

    01 Algorithm BGPtoSQL
    02 Input: basic graph pattern BGP = (N;E)
    03 Output: SQL query
    04 Begin
    05 Substitute each distinct blank node label in BGP with a unique variable /* unique for the scope of a SPARQL query */
    06 Assign each edge e 2 E a unique table alias te /*unique for the scope of a SPARQL query*/
    07 Construct the FROM clause to contain all the table aliases /*from += \Triples $te" for each e 2 E*/
    08 For each distinct variable v in BGP do /* Construct the SELECT clause */
    09 If v is a predicate variable then
    10 Let e be the corresponding edge
    11 select += \$te.predicate AS $e.label"
    12 ElseIf v is an object variable then
    13 Let e be the ¯rst incoming edge of the corresponding node n
    14 select += \$te.object AS $n.label"
    15 Else /* v is a subject variable */
    16 Let e be the ¯rst outgoing edge of the corresponding node n
    17 select += \$te.subject AS $n.label"
    18 End If
    19 End For

    20 For each RDF term (a URI or a literal) m in BGP do /* Construct the WHERE clause */
    21 If m is a predicate term then
    22 Let e be the corresponding edge
    23 where += \$te.predicate = $e.label AND "
    24 Else /* m is an object or a subject term */
    25 Let n be the corresponding node
    26 For each incoming edge e of n do
    27 where += \$te.object = $n.label AND " End For
    28 For each outgoing edge e of n do
    29 where += \$te.subject = $n.label AND " End For
    30 End If
    31 End For
    32 For each node n 2 N labeled with a variable do
    33 If n.in-degree > 1 then /* Case 1 */
    34 Let ein
    1 be the ¯rst incoming edge of n
    35 For each incoming edge ein
    i of n and ein
    i 6= ein
    1 do
    36 where + = \$tein
    .object = $tein
    .object AND " End For
    37 End If
    38 If n.out-degree > 1 then /* Case 2 */
    39 Let eout
    1 be the ¯rst outgoing edge of n
    40 For each outgoing edge eout
    i of n and eout
    i 6= eout
    1 do
    41 where + = \$teout
    .subject = $teout
    .subject AND " End For
    42 End If
    43 If n.in-degree > 0 && n.out-degree > 0 then /* Case 3 */
    44 Let ein
    1 be the ¯rst incoming edge of n; Let eout
    1 be the ¯rst outgoing edge of n
    45 where + = \$tein
    .object = $teout
    .subject AND "
    46 End If
    47 End For
    48 For each distinct predicate variable and the corresponding edge e 2 E do
    49 For each edge ei 2 E && ei 6= e && ei.label = e.label do /* Case 4 */
    50 where + = \$te.predicate = $tei .predicate AND " End For
    51 For each node ni 2 N && ni.label = e.label do /* Case 5 */
    52 Let e1 be the ¯rst incoming/outgoing edge of ni /* `/' means `or' */
    53 where + = \$te.predicate = $te1 .object/subject AND " End For
    54 End For
    55 Return \SELECT" + select + \FROM" + from + \WHERE" + where
    56 End Algorithm


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