-- 作者:hongjunli
-- 发布时间:11/5/2007 6:23:00 PM
以下是引用waterman998在2007-11-5 17:41:00的发言: can't open the link |
上不了的,先介绍一个List出来看看有什么好的东西。 -------------------------------------------------------- PDF文件下载排行榜 1 /SOA/ Programming Web Services With Soap.pdf 28 2 /SOA/ Understanding Web Services - XML, WSDL, SOAP and UDDI.pdf 16 3 /SOA/ An Introduction To Soap,Wsdl,And Uddi.pdf 7 4 /SOA/ An SOA introduction for managers.pdf 9 5 /SOA/ an_soa_approach.pdf 2 6 /SOA/ Expert Service-Oriented Architecture in C# [2004].pdf 2 7 /SOA/ MDA & SOA in the Enterprise.pdf 8 8 /SOA/ Building Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) with the J2EE Platform.pdf 5 9 /SOA/ Business - BPM - eBook - Patterns - SOA Foundation - Business Process Management Scenario.pdf 4 10 /SOA/ Emerging_SOA_Standards_Seminar.pdf 2 11 /SOA/ Enterprise Integration EAI vs. SOA vs. ESB.pdf 3 12 /SOA/ Extended Enterprise SOA and Web Services.pdf 2 13 /SOA/ Prentice Hall - Enterprise Soa Service-Oriented Architecture Best Practices.pdf 2 14 /SOA/ Essential XML Quick Reference (XML, XPath, XSLT, XML Schema, SOAP and more) .pdf 7 15 /SOA/ A.Method.For.Component-Based.And.Service-Oriented.Software.Systems.Engineering.pdf 2 16 /SOA/ Java BPEL.pdf 4 17 /SOA/ how to make soap.pdf 3 18 /SOA/ Service.Oriented.Architecture.A.Field.Guide.to.Integrating.XML.and.Web.Services.(2004).pdf 1 19 /SOA/ Understanding Enterprise SOA - (2006) ---HJK.pdf 6 20 /SOA/ IBM - Patterns - SOA and Web Services.pdf 6 21 /SOA/ Ibm Soa Architecture.pdf 7 22 /SOA/ Service Oriented Architecture Implementation Frameworks.pdf 2 23 /SOA/ Best Practices for SOA Management.pdf 4 24 /SOA/ Professional Java 2 Enterprise Edition with Bea WebLogic Server (Wrox).pdf 6 25 /SOA/ Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) - Concepts, Technology, and Design.pdf 2 26 /SOA/ Soa - Field Guide To Integrating Xml And Web Services.pdf 1 27 /SOA/ SOA - JBI - ESB - BPEL and everthing else.pdf 5 28 /SOA/ Soa And Webservices.pdf 3 29 /SOA/ SOA service-oriented software architecture for sensor networks.pdf 1 30 /SOA/ Soa Web Services Journal - Ajax Composite Apps (May 2006, Vol 6, Iss 5).pdf 7 31 /SOA/ SOA Web Services Journal - The Art of Service Orientation (Jun 2006).pdf 1 32 /SOA/ Sun - Implementing Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA) with the Java EE 5 SDK.pdf 1 33 /SOA/ The Soa Implementation Framework.pdf 1 34 /SOA/ The Web Services Framework - A Survey of WSDL, SOAP, and UDDI.pdf 3 35 /SOA/ Tutorial AquaLogic.pdf 2 36 /SOA/ Understanding Web Services - XML, WSDL, SOAP, and UDDI.pdf 3 37 /SOA/ Using JAAS in Java EE and SOA Environments.pdf 3 38 /SOA/ Web Services And Soa The Savvy Managers Guide.pdf 1 39 /SOA/ Prentice Hall - Enterprise Soa Service-Oriented Architecture Best Practices.pdf 1 40 /SOA/ Service.Oriented.Architecture.(SOA).For.Dummies.pd 1 41 /SOA/ Soa Application With Struts, Spring, Hibernate, And Axis.pdf 6 42 /SOA/ XML Schema.pdf 7 43 /SOA/ XML Schema - Data Types Quick Reference Card.pdf 5 44 /J2EE/ (ebook - PDF - J2EE) Core J2EE Patterns - Best Practices and Design Strategies.pdf 45 /J2EE/ Tutorial for building J2EE Applications using JBOSS and ECLIPSE.pdf 2 46 /J2EE/ MANUAL - PROGRAMACION - JAVA - J2EE DEVELOPMENT WITH RATIONAL XDE AND IBM WEBSPHERE STUDIO APPLICATION DEVELOPER.pdf 47 /J2EE/ IBM_WebSphere_J2EE_Application_Development.pdf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 可能这两天有点不正常,过几天你可以再试一下。