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----  2014年第6届计算机工程与技术国际会议)-4月-韩国首尔  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=65&rootid=&id=127128)

--  作者:爱学雅士
--  发布时间:10/17/2013 3:29:00 PM

--  2014年第6届计算机工程与技术国际会议)-4月-韩国首尔

2014 The 6th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Technology (ICCET 2014)
Seoul, Korea
April 10-11, 2014
http://www.iccet.org /
一、 征稿主题
Algorithms Digital System and Logic Design
Artificial Intelligence Distributed and Parallel Processing
Automated Software Engineering Distributed Systems
Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing E-commerce and E-governance
Biomedical Engineering Event Driven Programming
Bio-informatics Expert Systems
Compilers and Interpreters High Performance Computing
Computational Intelligence Human Computer Interaction
Computer Animation Image Processing
Computer Architecture & VLSI Information Retrieval
Information Systems Computer Architecture and Embedded Systems
Computer Based Education Internet and Web Applications
Computer Games Knowledge Data Engineering
Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality Mobile Computing
Computer Graphics and Multimedia Multimedia Applications
Computer Modeling Natural Language Processing
Computer Networks Neural Networks
Computer Security Parallel and Distributed Computing
Computer Simulation Pattern Recognition
Computer Vision Performance Evaluation
Computer-aided Design/Manufacturing Programming Languages
Computing Ethics Reconfigurable Computing Systems
Computing Practices & Applications Robotics and Automation
Control Systems Security & Cryptography
Data Communications Software Engineering & CASE
System Security Computer Networks and Data Communication
Data Compression Technology in Education
Data Encryption Technology Management
Data Mining Theoretical Computer Science
Database Systems Ubiquitous Computing
Digital Library Wireless Sensor Networks
Digital Signal and Image Processing Wireless Communication and Mobile Computing

二、 重要日期


1、通过 在线提交系统 提交文章(pdf格式);

联系邮箱: iccet@sciei.org  
联系电话: +86-18207777775

Conference papers can be selected and published into the following Journals.

Journal of Computers (JCP, ISSN: 1796-203X, 30 Papers)
Journal of Software (JSW, ISSN: 1796-217X, 30 Papers)
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering (IJCTE, ISSN: 1793-8201, 30 Papers)
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering (IJCEE, ISSN: 1793-8163, 30 Papers)
International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering (IJIEE, ISSN: 2010-3719, 20 Papers)
International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET, ISSN: 2010-3689, 20 Papers)
Journal of Advances in Computer Networks (JACN, ISSN: 1793-8244, 20 Papers)
Lecture Notes on Software Engineering (LNSE, ISSN: 2301-3559, Papers)


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