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----  2023年第18届智能系统与知识工程国际学术会议(ISKE 2023)[原创]  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=62&rootid=&id=131845)

--  作者:aca_conference
--  发布时间:3/10/2023 7:34:00 AM

--  2023年第18届智能系统与知识工程国际学术会议(ISKE 2023)[原创]

♦会议全称:IEEE--2023年第18届智能系统与知识工程国际学术会议(ISKE 2023)
♦简称: ISKE 2023
♦会议日期: 2023年11月17-19日
♦会议地点: 中国 福州
♦会议网址: http://www.iske2023.org/index.html


2023年第18届智能系统与知识工程国际学术会议(ISKE 2023),将于2023年11月17-19日在中国福州举行。智能系统与知识工程国际学术会议是继2006年成功举办的ISKE会议之后的一系列会议。ISKE 2023由福建师范大学主办。本次会议旨在为智能系统和知识工程领域的学术界、研究界和工业界的技术和科学专业人士提供一个交流知识和传播最新技术的平台。ISKE 2023接受尚未在其他地方以任何形式发表或提交的论文。除了技术和研究论文外,也欢迎提交工业案例研究报告。被接受的论文将在会议论文集中发表。论文集将在会后提交EI Compendex和Scopus检索。多个SCI收录期刊的特刊将专门用于对扩展论文进行严格的参考选择。

ISKE旨在为来自智能系统和知识工程领域的学术界,研究和工业界的技术和科学专业人士提供一个交流知识并分发新兴先进技术的平台。ISKE 2023 接受尚未在其他地方发布或以任何形式提交的论文。除了技术和研究论文外,还欢迎提交报告工业案例研究的提交。被录用的论文将在IEEE的会议论文集上发表。会议结束后,会议记录将由IEEE Xplore和EI Compendex和Scopus提交和审查。征稿主题包括但不限于:
-Artificial Intelligent Methodology and System
Artificial Intelligence Theories
Machine Learning
Soft Computing and Fuzzy Systems
Probabilistic Reasoning
Genetic and Swarm Computing
Speech Recognition
Logic, Reasoning & Problem Solving
Image/Video Processing, Computer Vision
Brain-Computer Interface
Intelligent System Models
Multi- Agent Systems
Case-Based Reasoning, Neural Networks
Search, Optimization and Planning
Pattern Recognition
Computer Vision
Biological Inspired Computation
Computational Intelligence
Computational Neuroscience
Non-classical Logic and Computation
Automated Reasoning
Formal Verification

-Knowledge Engineering and Management
Knowledge Representation and Modeling
Knowledge Elicitation
Expert Systems or Decision Support Systems
Workflow Management Systems
Ontology Engineering
Natural Language Processing
Textual Entailment
Document Preparation and Text Processing
Information Storage, Annotation and Retrieval
Data Simulation, Modeling, and Visualization
Knowledge Maintenance
Knowledge- Based Systems
Business Process Reengineering
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Information and Knowledge Integration
Question Answering Systems
Language Translation and Linguistics
Unstructured and Semi-Structured Data Retrieval
Text Mining, Classification and Summarization
Content Management and Knowledge
Management Systems

-Practical Applications of AI and Knowledge Engineering
Social Computing, Service Computing and Mobile Computing
Intelligent Multimedia
Intelligent Engineering Systems
Knowledge Engineering in E-commerce, in Art and in Education
Intelligent Healthcare Systems
Intelligent Bioinformatics Systems
Adaptive and Intelligent Control Systems, Perceptron and Navigation
User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction
Intelligent Game
Business Intelligence
Intelligent Systems in Engineering and Science
E-learning and Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Knowledge based Software Engineering
Intelligent issues in GIS, Networks or in Internet of Things
Social Issues of Knowledge Engineering

欢迎有兴趣组织特别会议的研究人员向ISKE 2023提交特别分会提案。会议主席负责审查并通过提交给会议的论文。这些论文将由至少两名审稿人进行同行评审。录用论文和评审报告必须提交给会议委员会。

- 特别会议提案应包括:

接收论文将由IEEE发表在会议论文集中,该论文将被纳入IEEE Xplore,并由EI compendex和Scopus索引。

会议秘书:Dawn Luo
电话:+86-136 8834 9945 / +86-28-87555888
工作时段:Monday - Friday: 10:00am-18:00pm

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