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----  QQ悬挂窗口实现【附源码】  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=61&rootid=&id=64646)

--  作者:卷积内核
--  发布时间:7/16/2008 9:03:00 AM

--  QQ悬挂窗口实现【附源码】
1. 客户区鼠标消息:鼠标在窗口的客户区移动时产生的消息,此消息是标准的鼠标消息,MFC中通过WM_MOUSEMOVE这个事件解决了这个问题。
2. 非客户区鼠标消息:鼠标在非客户区以外(标题栏、框架等)移动时产生的消息,此消息是标准的鼠标消息,MFC中通过WM_NCMOUSEMOVE这个事件解决了这个问题。
3. 窗口以外的鼠标消息:鼠标不在本窗口移动时产生的消息,此消息不是标准的鼠标消息,在MFC中也找不到这样的事件。那该如何捕获这样的鼠标消息呢?

// Function: SetHook - Creates mouse hook (Exported), called by CAppBarMngr
// Arguments: _id - Calling thread ID, used to send message to it
// _width - Width of window
// _left - True if window is left side docked, false if not
// Returns: False if it is already hooked
// True if hook has been created
BOOL SetHook(DWORD _id, int _width, BOOL _left){     if (s_ThreadID)     return FALSE; // Already hooked!
     s_Width = _width;     s_Left = _left;     g_Hook = ::SetWindowsHookEx(WH_MOUSE, (HOOKPROC)MouseProc, g_Instance, 0);     s_ThreadID = _id;     return TRUE; // Hook has been created correctly
  // Function: MouseProc - Callback function for mouse hook
  // Arguments: nCode - action code, according to MS documentation, must return
  // inmediatly if less than 0
  // wParam - not used
  // lParam - not used
  // Returns: result from next hook in chain
 static LRESULT CALLBACK MouseProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)   {       static LRESULT lResult; // Made static to accelerate processing       static POINT pt; // idem
      if (nCode<0 && g_Hook)            {            ::CallNextHookEx(g_Hook, nCode, wParam, lParam); // Call next hook in chain            return 0;           }
   if (s_ThreadID)            {            // Obtain absolute screen coordinates            ::GetCursorPos(&pt);            static POINT ptOld;
     //只有当鼠标发生移动时候发生鼠标事件,没有想到鼠标不移动也会产生此鼠标过程,          //真让我大吃一惊,必须得防止鼠标消息乱发。          if(ptOld.x!=pt.x && ptOld.y!=pt.y)           {            ::PostThreadMessage(s_ThreadID, WM_USER+1000, 0, 0);             ptOld.x = pt.x;            ptOld.y = pt.y;            }      }  return ::CallNextHookEx(g_Hook, nCode, wParam, lParam); // Call next hook in chain   }
  // Function: UnSetHook - Removes hook from chain
  // Arguments: none
  // Returns: False if not hook pending to delete (no thread ID defined)
  // True if hook has been removed. Also returns true if there is not hook
  // handler, this can occur if Init failed when called in second instance
  BOOL UnSetHook()
    if (!s_ThreadID) {    return FALSE; // There is no hook pending to close  }
  if (g_Hook) { // Check if hook handler is valid  ::UnhookWindowsHookEx(g_Hook); // Unhook is done here  s_ThreadID = 0; // Remove thread id to avoid continue sending  g_Hook = NULL; // Remove hook handler to avoid to use it again  }
 return TRUE; // Hook has been removed

BOOL CHookTestDlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)   {
  // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class  static int i=0;  int nSrcWidth = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);  int nSrcHeight = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);  switch(pMsg->message)  {  case WM_USER+1000:  {  POINT pt;  CRect rcWindow;  ::GetCursorPos(&pt);  GetWindowRect(&rcWindow);
  if(pt.x<1 && (pt.y>rcWindow.top && pt.y<rcWindow.bottom))  {    if(rcWindow.left<1 && rcWindow.Width()<1)     {      SliderWindow(LEFT, true);     }  else if(rcWindow.left<1 && rcWindow.Width()>99)     {
     }  else if(rcWindow.left>1 && rcWindow.Width()>99)     {    
     }  else     {
     }   }  else if(pt.y<rcWindow.top || pt.y>rcWindow.bottom)   {     if(rcWindow.left<1 && rcWindow.Width()<1)      {
      }     else if(rcWindow.left<1 && rcWindow.Width()>99)      {        SliderWindow(LEFT, false);      }     else if(rcWindow.left>1 && rcWindow.Width()>99)      {     
      }     else      {
  }  else if(pt.x>0 && pt.x<100)  {    if(rcWindow.left<1 && rcWindow.Width()<1 && (pt.y>rcWindow.top && pt.y<rcWindow.bottom))     {
     }    else if(rcWindow.left<1 && rcWindow.Width()>99)      {      //SliderWindow(LEFT, true);      }    else if(rcWindow.left>1 && rcWindow.Width()>99)     {
     }    else     {
     }  }  else  {    if(rcWindow.left<1 && rcWindow.Width()<1)     {
      }    else if(rcWindow.left<1 && rcWindow.Width()>99 && (pt.y>rcWindow.top && pt.y<rcWindow.bottom))     {     SliderWindow(LEFT, false);     }    else if(rcWindow.left>1 && rcWindow.Width()>99)     {  
      }    else     {
}  break;  default:  break; }  return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);}
   void CHookTestDlg::SliderWindow(int nPos, bool bShow){  CRect rc;  GetWindowRect(rc);  int nSrcWidth = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);  switch(nPos)  {  case LEFT:  if(bShow)    {    for(int i=0; i<=10; i++)      {        SetWindowPos(&CWnd::wndTopMost, 0, rc.top, i*10, rc.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);        Sleep(20);       }     }  else    {     for(int i=0; i<=10; i++)      {        SetWindowPos(&CWnd::wndTopMost, 0, rc.top, 100-10*i, rc.Height(), SWP_SHOWWINDOW);        Sleep(20);       }   }   break;   case RIGHT:   break;   case TOP:   break;   case BOTTOM:   break;   default:   break;  }

1、 在安装完上述鼠标钩子后,MFC的标准鼠标消息WM_MOUSEMOVE、WM_LBUTTONDOWN等还有作用吗?
2、 通过MFC的ON_MESSAGE将WM_USER+1000这个与指定的处理过程相关联来处理鼠标消息(当然此时不需要重载PreTranslateMessage),这样做可以吗?如:ON_MESSAGE(WM_USER+1000, MouseProc)。

[此贴子已经被作者于2008-7-17 15:52:18编辑过]

--  作者:beckson
--  发布时间:4/28/2009 9:17:00 AM

--  作者:xzcxin061
--  发布时间:6/6/2009 3:21:00 PM

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