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----  [原创][ EI/ISTP] [截稿2011-01-30] 2011能源、电子与通信工程国际学术会议征文  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=6&rootid=&id=89027)

--  作者:ICIE2011
--  发布时间:1/5/2011 3:47:00 PM

--  [原创][ EI/ISTP] [截稿2011-01-30] 2011能源、电子与通信工程国际学术会议征文

2011 WASE International Summer Workshop on Energy, Electronic and Communication Engineering
(IWEEC 2011)
Call for Papers
Xi'an, China, 6-7 Aug, 2011

IWEEC 2011已与International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI)期刊(SCI源刊)合作,遴选本届大会的优秀论文出版模式识别和人工智能方向的专刊,并邀请IJPRAI的主编,IAPR Fellow and ISIBM Fellow,Prof. Patrick S. P. Wang作为本次大会的关键报告人。

WASE已经与国外著名出版社Wiley建立了战略合作关系,出版社旗下的Expert Systems: The Journal of Knowledge Engineering(SCI源刊)将以专刊的形式接收IWEEC推荐的优秀论文。


Journal of Computers (JCP, ISSN 1796-203X),
Journal of Networks (JNW, ISSN 1796-2056),
Journal of Software (JSW, ISSN 1796-217X),
Journal of Multimedia(JMM, ISSN 1796-2048)


It provides two day’s focus on the science and technology that are the basis for the energy, electronic and communication engineering. Modern city must be addressed: civil gas, electricity, heat, cold and reasonable supply, garbage and other waste handling; residual energy use; electric peak-shaving valley filling issues such as energy, electricity, communications and blend in with surrounding energy-saving environmental protection, the establishment of The areas of complementarities and synergies in the focus, such as wind power, power electronics technology in energy development, application and communication engineering in the energy systems and in the power of applications. The conference expected to help improve energy efficiency and improve the environmental benefits of civilization into a modern city.

ImiImportant Dates
Full paper submission:                                       January  30,      2011
Acceptance Notification:                                    March     1,        2011
Camera-ready papers:                                       March    10,        2011  
Presenting author registration due:                  March    10,        2011  
Conference:                                                         August  6~7       2011

Please submit your papers to Easychair Conference System  or icie@enjoywise.org

The topics of the workshop include, but not limited to:
Green Energy Development and Applications
Machinery and electronics with the Energy Scienceand Technology
Energy, power system vibration problems
Power Generation - Conventional and Renewable
Fuel cell hybrid vehicle technology
The pure electric vehicle technology development
electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, fuel cell vehicles Challenges andOpportunities
The new energy vehicles, mass-produced environmental analysis
Environmental Progress vehicle dynamic systems
Clean Energy Technology Status and Future
Space technology and nuclear energy technologies tothe development of vehicle dynamics reference
Alternative Energy and the Environment
Renewable Energy Sources
Fuel Cell Technology
Wind Energy
Water Energy
Solar Energy
Plasma Technology
Energy Conversion
Energy Conservation
Energy Policies and Regulation
Energy Management Systems
Power Engineering and Education
Investment Coordination
Global Restructuring
Energy Pricing
Electronics & Energy Technology

Power Transmission and Generation
Power System Planning
Power System Operation
Power System Design
Converters and Inverters
HV Power Lines
Power System Stability and Control
Reliability and Security
Power Quality
Network Harmonics
Power Flow Analysis
Power Distribution
Fault Diagnosis
Grounding and Protection Systems
Regulations, Management, and Economics
Optimization Techniques
Demand Management
Computer Applications and Software Development
Pricing Policies
Power Economics
Power System Planning
Power Market Deregulation
Retail Power Markets
Electricity Power Pools
ROI Caps
Breakdown Impacts
Problems of the Power Industry
Information Security
?Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence
?Simulation Software
Automatic Control
Communications and Information Systems
Signal and Image Processing
?Control Theory and Control Engineering
Pattern Recognition and Intelligent System
?Optoelectronics Sensor Networks
Instrument Control and Testing
Electrical Engineering
Power System and Automation
High Voltage and Insulation Technology
Electronic Science and Technology
?Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology
Automotive Electronic Control
?Virtual Instrument
?Engineering Machinery
Test Measurement Technology
Power Engineering Equipment and Power SystemTesting Device
Sensing and Instrumentation Systems
??Control theory and application
Information Theory and Coding Theory
??Semiconductor Physics
Quantum Radio Physics
Optics and laser Theory

(ICIE2011 http://www.enjoywise.org/icie2011)

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