-- 作者:admin
-- 发布时间:11/27/2005 9:39:00 PM
希望大家一起来补充! 我在http://www.semanticgrid.org/links.html看到一个列表: IST Programme Semantic Grid Activities Please see the European Commission's IST programme webpages for [URL=http://www.cordis.lu/ist/grids/index.htm]Grid Technologies[/URL], in particular the [URL=http://www.cordis.lu/ist/grids/projects.htm]list of projects[/URL] which includes links to fact sheets. The contact for Next Generation Grids is Franco Accordino. Following a concertation meeting in September, we are planning to put more information online about EC projects addressing Semantic Grid aspects, including: [URL=http://www.ontogrid.net/]OntoGrid[/URL] - Paving the way for Knowledgeable Grid Services and Systems [URL=http://www.inteligrid.com/]Inteligrid[/URL] - Interoperability of Virtual Organizations on a Complex Semantic Grid [URL=http://www.scai.fraunhofer.de/simdat.html]SIMDAT[/URL] - Data Grids for Process and Product Development using Numerical Simulation and Knowledge Discovery [URL=http://www.mobilegrids.org/]Akogrimo[/URL] - Access to Knowledge through the Grid in a mobile World [URL=http://www.datamininggrid.org/]DataMiningGrid[/URL] - Data Mining Tools and Services for Grid Computing Environments [URL=http://www.kwfgrid.net/]K-WF Grid[/URL] - Knowledge-based Workflow System for Grid Applications [URL=http://www.coregrid.net/]CoreGRID[/URL] - European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies [URL=http://www.unigrids.org/]UniGrids[/URL] - Uniform Interface to Grid Services [URL=http://www.gridprovenance.org/]Provenance[/URL] - Enabling and Supporting Provenance in Grids for Complex Problems) [URL=http://www.nextgrid.org/]NextGRID[/URL] - Architecture for Next Generation Grids Projects related to Semantic Grid Project Title Activity [URL=http://kg.ict.ac.cn/]China Semantic Grid Plan[/URL] Semantic Grid: Theory, Model and Methodology Five year National Grand Fundamental Research Plan project led by Hai Zhuge [URL=http://www.clinical-escience.org/]CLEF[/URL] MRC Clinical E-Science Framework Employing Grid distributed computing framework to produce a new environment for clinical research, includes knowledge management environments to enhance biomedical research [URL=http://www.isi.edu/ikcap/cognitive-grids]Cognitive Grids[/URL] NSF Cognitive Grids Cognitive grids aim to provide intelligent middleware for Grid computing infrastructure [URL=http://www.cogproject.org/]COG[/URL] EU Corporate Ontology Grid Give semantics to corporate data formats through mapping to a central ontology, automatically translating data between data formats on the grid by way of a semantic mapping to a central ontology, publish a reusable ontology [URL=http://www.aktors.org/coakting/]CoAKTinG[/URL] UK e-Science IRC Collaborative Advanced Knowledge Technologies in the Grid Ontologies to enhance multi-modal and multi-media time phased group discussions and problem solving, Knowledge-based planning and task support to enhance issue-based process/activity discussions [URL=http://www.conoise.org/]Conoise-G[/URL] EPSRC Constraint Oriented Negotiation in Open Information Seeking Environments for the Grid Seeks to support robust and resilient virtual organisation formation and operation [URL=http://www.combechem.org/]Comb-e-Chem[/URL] UK e-Science pilot Grid-enabled combinatorial chemistry Data collection and annotation at source. Also see [URL=http://www.smarttea.org/]Smart Tea[/URL]. DartGrid A semantic ITS platform with a prototype system deployed in China's Yangtze River Delta [URL=http://dynamo.man.ac.uk/]DynamO[/URL] EPSRC Dynamic Ontologies: a Framework for Service Description Extending existing description logics with notions of time and with the ability to represent and reason about service actions [URL=http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/projects/ebank-uk/]eBank UK[/URL] JISC eBank UK Harvesting metadata about research data from institutional 'e-data repositories' [URL=http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/research/fearg/]FEARLUS-G[/URL] ESRC Pilot Semantic Grid Service for Environmental Modelling Aims to explore the application of emerging Grid technologies within the social sciences, through deployment of an existing land-use modelling tool into the Grid context [URL=http://www.geodise.org/]Geodise[/URL] UK e-Science pilot Engineering design search and optimisation Enhancing the design process through the adoption of Knowledge Management and Ontology techniques [URL=http://www.gria.org/]GRIA[/URL] EU IST Grid Resources for Industrial Applications Interoperability, implementation of system and application resource definition, interaction and discrimination services [URL=http://www.grid-interoperability.org/]GRIP[/URL] EU IST GRid Interoperability Project Developing software to facilitate the interoperation of Unicore and Globus [URL=http://grid.hust.edu.cn/semantic/]HUST CGCL Semantic Grid[/URL] Semantic Grid based Semantic Storage Model, Management and Communication Platform [URL=http://www.co-ode.org/]CO-ODE/HyOntUse[/URL] JISC/EPSRC Collaborative Open Ontology Development Environment/Hybrid User Oriented to Ontology Tools Aims to integrate the most widely used tools for developing and using ontologies worldwide in order to create an integrated open-source toolset [URL=http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/magik-i/]MAGIK-I[/URL] EPSRC Managing Grids containing Information and Knowledge that are Incomplete Developing a logical model for integrating and querying incomplete information that is published on a Grid [URL=http://aktors.org/miakt/]MIAKT[/URL] UK e-Science IRC Grid enabled knowledge services: collaborative problem solving environments in medical informatics Ontology Services, Annotation and Enrichment Services, Grid Reasoning Services [URL=http://www.mygrid.org.uk/]myGrid[/URL] UK e-Science pilot A virtual laboratory workbench that will serve the life sciences community Semantic description and discovery, semantic data integration, semantic workflow design [URL=http://www.mytea.ecs.soton.ac.uk/]myTea[/URL] UK e-Science Best Practice project Improving capture of experiments for bioinformatics practitioners Applying lessons learned about capturing previously paper-based information into new digital forms and applying them to support Bioinformaticians. Also see [URL=http://www.smarttea.org/]Smart Tea[/URL]. [URL=http://www.pasoa.org/]PASOA[/URL] EPSRC CS/eS Provenance Aware Service Oriented Architecture Concept of provenance and its use for reasoning about the quality and accuracy of data and services in the context of eScience [URL=http://pegasus.isi.edu/]Pegasus[/URL] Planning for Execution in Grids Pegasus is a flexible framework that enables the mapping of complex scientific workflows onto the grid REOL EPSRC Reasoning for Expressive Ontology Languages Developing new methods of reasoning with large ontologies using very expressive languages [URL=http://www.isi.edu/ikcap/scec-it/]SCEC/IT[/URL] NSF Information Infrastructure for System-Level Earthquake Research Includes computational grid, digital libraries, ontologies and knowledge representation, planning, and interactive acquisition [URL=http://www.sculpteurweb.org/]SCULPTEUR[/URL] EU IST Semantic and Content-based multimedia exploitation for European benefit Developing semantic layer for distributed multimedia information management, using classifying agents and search agents for structured and unstructured information, and an example semantic knowledge base [URL=http://www.semanticfirewall.org/]A Semantic Firewall[/URL] JISC+EPSRC A semantic firewall Enforcement of network security policies between trust domains in the presence of dynamically changing and unpredictable Grid communication needs [URL=http://www.semanticgrid.org/semanticmedia/]Semantic Media[/URL] EPSRC Semantic Media Innovation at the intersection of the Semantic Grid and the physical world [URL=http://www.iam.ecs.soton.ac.uk/projects/voes/]VOeS[/URL] EPSRC CS/eS Virtual Organisations for E-Science The fundamental computer science research that is necessary to support the entire virtual organisation lifecycle as it exists for the e-Science [URL=http://wungrid.org/]WUN Grid[/URL] Worldwide University Network Worldwide University Network Grid A collaborative Semantic Grid for WUN partner organisations