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----  Internship Opportunities in Computational Genomic Research  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=46&rootid=&id=58904)

--  作者:gary_xie
--  发布时间:2/18/2008 1:03:00 PM

--  Internship Opportunities in Computational Genomic Research
Internship Opportunities in Computational Genomic Research

The Genome Science Group (B-6) in the Bioscience Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory sponsors internships for post baccalaureate and graduate students year-round. The program lasts two to six months. Students will leave the program with the hands-on training from B-6 scientists that will equip them with advanced technical knowledge and skills in one of the following areas:

Genomic Finishing
Annotation and Analysis
Comparative Genome
Software Engineering

The internship will involve running sequence finishing and analysis software, analyzing genes by DNA/protein sequence, and genomic structure, mining various gene annotation databases and preparing manuscripts. The successful candidate will work closely with scientists in the Bioscience Division and at the Joint Genome Institute. Competitive applicants will have a at least a bachelor’s degree in one or more of the following areas: Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biology, Genetics, Bioinformatics and Computer Science. Successful interns will possess hands-on experience with gene discovery and analysis of genomic sequences, comparative genome analysis and experience in tools, methods, and databases for biological sequence analysis. Previous experience in comparative genome and computer skills (programming in Perl, familiarity with UNIX, Web) are preferred. The successful applicant will be exposed to a wide variety of bioinformatics technologies in a state of the art facility to perform large-scale computation genomic studies.

The internship positions are open to all without citizenship restrictions. Limited financial Aid is available for students, including non-US citizens. Please e-mail curriculum vitae and names of references to Gary Xie (xie@lanl.gov). For general information please refer to the Bioscience Division page.


[此贴子已经被作者于2008-2-18 14:29:26编辑过]

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