-- 作者:愚者
-- 发布时间:11/7/2004 5:25:00 PM
-- [原创]一个很简单的验证码程序
作者:中国论坛网收集 来源:http://www.51one.net 原程序 http://vifo.vicp.net:8088/datalib/ShowTopic.asp?id=108:10:1:1 主程序共三个 我的调用方式 <script language="javascript" src="/verify/num.asp"></script> 验证方式 if trim(Loginnum)<>trim(session("Loginnum")) then Response.Write Error("验证码错误!") Response.End end if num.asp <% '### To encrypt/decrypt include this code in your page '### strMyEncryptedString = EncryptString(strString) '### strMyDecryptedString = DeCryptString(strMyEncryptedString) '### You are free to use this code as long as credits remain in place '### also if you improve this code let me know. Private Function EncryptString(strString) '#################################################################### '### Crypt Function ? 2001 by Slavic Kozyuk grindkore@yahoo.com ### '### Arguments: strString <--- String you wish to encrypt ### '### Output: Encrypted HEX string ### '#################################################################### Dim CharHexSet, intStringLen, strTemp, strRAW, I, intKey, intOffSet Randomize Timer intKey = Round((RND * 1000000) + 1000000) '##### Key Bitsize intOffSet = Round((RND * 1000000) + 1000000) '##### KeyOffSet Bitsize If IsNull(strString) = False Then strRAW = strString intStringLen = Len(strRAW) For i = 0 to intStringLen - 1 strTemp = Left(strRAW, 1) strRAW = Right(strRAW, Len(strRAW) - 1) CharHexSet = CharHexSet & Hex(Asc(strTemp) * intKey)& Hex(intKey) Next EncryptString = CharHexSet & "|" & Hex(intOffSet + intKey) & "|" & Hex(intOffSet) Else EncryptString = "" End If End Function Private Function DeCryptString(strCryptString) '#################################################################### '### Crypt Function ? 2001 by Slavic Kozyuk grindkore@yahoo.com ### '### Arguments: Encrypted HEX stringt ### '### Output: Decrypted ASCII string ### '#################################################################### '### Note this function uses HexConv() and get_hxno() functions ### '### so make sure they are not removed ### '#################################################################### Dim strRAW, arHexCharSet, I, intKey, intOffSet, strRawKey, strHexCrypData strRawKey = Right(strCryptString, Len(strCryptString) - InStr(strCryptString, "|")) intOffSet = Right(strRawKey, Len(strRawKey) - InStr(strRawKey,"|")) intKey = HexConv(Left(strRawKey, InStr(strRawKey, "|") - 1)) - HexConv(intOffSet) strHexCrypData = Left(strCryptString, Len(strCryptString) - (Len(strRawKey) + 1)) arHexCharSet = Split(strHexCrypData, Hex(intKey)) For i=0 to Ubound(arHexCharSet) strRAW = strRAW & Chr(HexConv(arHexCharSet(i))/intKey) Next DeCryptString = strRAW End Function Private Function HexConv(hexVar) Dim hxx, hxx_var, multiply IF hexVar <> "" THEN hexVar = UCASE(hexVar) hexVar = StrReverse(hexVar) DIM hx() REDIM hx(LEN(hexVar)) hxx = 0 hxx_var = 0 FOR hxx = 1 TO LEN(hexVar) IF multiply = "" THEN multiply = 1 hx(hxx) = mid(hexVar,hxx,1) hxx_var = (get_hxno(hx(hxx)) * multiply) + hxx_var multiply = (multiply * 16) NEXT hexVar = hxx_var HexConv = hexVar END IF End Function Private Function get_hxno(ghx) If ghx = "A" Then ghx = 10 ElseIf ghx = "B" Then ghx = 11 ElseIf ghx = "C" Then ghx = 12 ElseIf ghx = "D" Then ghx = 13 ElseIf ghx = "E" Then ghx = 14 ElseIf ghx = "F" Then ghx = 15 End If get_hxno = ghx End Function randomize num = int(7999*rnd+2000) '计数器的值 num2 = EncryptString(num) session("Loginnum")=num %> document.write("<img src='/verify/count.asp?sksid=<%=num2%>'>") ' 这里是调用图片的路径 count.asp <!--#include file="numimg.asp"--> <% '### To encrypt/decrypt include this code in your page '### strMyEncryptedString = EncryptString(strString) '### strMyDecryptedString = DeCryptString(strMyEncryptedString) '### You are free to use this code as long as credits remain in place '### also if you improve this code let me know. Private Function EncryptString(strString) '#################################################################### '### Crypt Function ? 2001 by Slavic Kozyuk grindkore@yahoo.com ### '### Arguments: strString <--- String you wish to encrypt ### '### Output: Encrypted HEX string ### '#################################################################### Dim CharHexSet, intStringLen, strTemp, strRAW, I, intKey, intOffSet Randomize Timer intKey = Round((RND * 1000000) + 1000000) '##### Key Bitsize intOffSet = Round((RND * 1000000) + 1000000) '##### KeyOffSet Bitsize If IsNull(strString) = False Then strRAW = strString intStringLen = Len(strRAW) For i = 0 to intStringLen - 1 strTemp = Left(strRAW, 1) strRAW = Right(strRAW, Len(strRAW) - 1) CharHexSet = CharHexSet & Hex(Asc(strTemp) * intKey)& Hex(intKey) Next EncryptString = CharHexSet & "|" & Hex(intOffSet + intKey) & "|" & Hex(intOffSet) Else EncryptString = "" End If End Function Private Function DeCryptString(strCryptString) '#################################################################### '### Crypt Function ? 2001 by Slavic Kozyuk grindkore@yahoo.com ### '### Arguments: Encrypted HEX stringt ### '### Output: Decrypted ASCII string ### '#################################################################### '### Note this function uses HexConv() and get_hxno() functions ### '### so make sure they are not removed ### '#################################################################### Dim strRAW, arHexCharSet, I, intKey, intOffSet, strRawKey, strHexCrypData strRawKey = Right(strCryptString, Len(strCryptString) - InStr(strCryptString, "|")) intOffSet = Right(strRawKey, Len(strRawKey) - InStr(strRawKey,"|")) intKey = HexConv(Left(strRawKey, InStr(strRawKey, "|") - 1)) - HexConv(intOffSet) strHexCrypData = Left(strCryptString, Len(strCryptString) - (Len(strRawKey) + 1)) arHexCharSet = Split(strHexCrypData, Hex(intKey)) For i=0 to Ubound(arHexCharSet) strRAW = strRAW & Chr(HexConv(arHexCharSet(i))/intKey) Next DeCryptString = strRAW End Function Private Function HexConv(hexVar) Dim hxx, hxx_var, multiply IF hexVar <> "" THEN hexVar = UCASE(hexVar) hexVar = StrReverse(hexVar) DIM hx() REDIM hx(LEN(hexVar)) hxx = 0 hxx_var = 0 FOR hxx = 1 TO LEN(hexVar) IF multiply = "" THEN multiply = 1 hx(hxx) = mid(hexVar,hxx,1) hxx_var = (get_hxno(hx(hxx)) * multiply) + hxx_var multiply = (multiply * 16) NEXT hexVar = hxx_var HexConv = hexVar END IF End Function Private Function get_hxno(ghx) If ghx = "A" Then ghx = 10 ElseIf ghx = "B" Then ghx = 11 ElseIf ghx = "C" Then ghx = 12 ElseIf ghx = "D" Then ghx = 13 ElseIf ghx = "E" Then ghx = 14 ElseIf ghx = "F" Then ghx = 15 End If get_hxno = ghx End Function %> <% Dim Image Dim Width, Height Dim num Dim digtal Dim Length Dim sort Length = 4 '自定计数器长度 Redim sort( Length ) num=cint(DeCryptString(request.querystring("sksid"))) digital = "" For I = 1 To Length -Len( num ) '补0 digital = digital & "0" Next For I = 1 To Len( num ) digital = digital & Mid( num, I, 1 ) Next For I = 1 To Len( digital ) sort(I) = Mid( digital, I, 1 ) Next Width = 8 * Len( digital ) '图像的宽度 Height = 10 '图像的高度,在本例中为固定值 Response.ContentType="image/x-xbitmap" hc=chr(13) & chr(10) Image = "#define counter_width " & Width & hc Image = Image & "#define counter_height " & Height & hc Image = Image & "static unsigned char counter_bits[]={" & hc For I = 1 To Height For J = 1 To Length Image = Image & a(sort(J),I) & "," Next Next Image = Left( Image, Len( Image ) - 1 ) '去掉最后一个逗号 Image = Image & "};" & hc %> <% Response.Write Image %> numimg.asp <% Dim a(10,10) a(0,1) = "0x3c" '数字0 a(0,2) = "0x66" a(0,3) = "0xc3" a(0,4) = "0xc3" a(0,5) = "0xc3" a(0,6) = "0xc3" a(0,7) = "0xc3" a(0,8) = "0xc3" a(0,9) = "0x66" a(0,10)= "0x3c" a(1,1) = "0x18" '数字1 a(1,2) = "0x1c" a(1,3) = "0x18" a(1,4) = "0x18" a(1,5) = "0x18" a(1,6) = "0x18" a(1,7) = "0x18" a(1,8) = "0x18" a(1,9) = "0x18" a(0,10)= "0x7e" a(2,1) = "0x3c" '数字2 a(2,2) = "0x66" a(2,3) = "0x60" a(2,4) = "0x60" a(2,5) = "0x30" a(2,6) = "0x18" a(2,7) = "0x0c" a(2,8) = "0x06" a(2,9) = "0x06" a(2,10)= "0x7e" a(3,1) = "0x3c" '数字3 a(3,2) = "0x66" a(3,3) = "0xc0" a(3,4) = "0x60" a(3,5) = "0x1c" a(3,6) = "0x60" a(3,7) = "0xc0" a(3,8) = "0xc0" a(3,9) = "0x66" a(3,10)= "0x38" a(4,1) = "0x38" '数字4 a(4,2) = "0x3c" a(4,3) = "0x36" a(4,4) = "0x33" a(4,5) = "0x33" a(4,6) = "0x33" a(4,7) = "0xff" a(4,8) = "0x30" a(4,9) = "0x30" a(4,10)= "0xfe" a(5,1) = "0xfe" '数字5 a(5,2) = "0xfe" a(5,3) = "0x06" a(5,4) = "0x06" a(5,5) = "0x3e" a(5,6) = "0x60" a(5,7) = "0xc0" a(5,8) = "0xc3" a(5,9) = "0x66" a(5,10)= "0x3c" a(6,1) = "0x60" '数字6 a(6,2) = "0x30" a(6,3) = "0x18" a(6,4) = "0x0c" a(6,5) = "0x3e" a(6,6) = "0x63" a(6,7) = "0xc3" a(6,8) = "0xc3" a(6,9) = "0x66" a(6,10) ="0x3c" a(7,1) = "0xff" '数字7 a(7,2) = "0xc0" a(7,3) = "0x60" a(7,4) = "0x30" a(7,5) = "0x18" a(7,6) = "0x18" a(7,7) = "0x18" a(7,8) = "0x18" a(7,9) = "0x18" a(7,10)= "0x18" a(8,1) = "0x3c" '数字8 a(8,2) = "0x66" a(8,3) = "0xc3" a(8,4) = "0x66" a(8,5) = "0x3c" a(8,6) = "0x66" a(8,7) = "0xc3" a(8,8) = "0xc3" a(8,9) = "0x66" a(8,10)= "0x3c" a(9,1) = "0x3c" '数字9 a(9,2) = "0x66" a(9,3) = "0xc3" a(9,4) = "0xc3" a(9,5) = "0x66" a(9,6) = "0x3c" a(9,7) = "0x18" a(9,8) = "0x0c" a(9,9) = "0x06" a(9,10)= "0x03" %>