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----  聚焦苹果图标背后的故事  (http://bbs.xml.org.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=39&rootid=&id=116985)

--  作者:hjx_221
--  发布时间:8/27/2011 7:15:00 AM

--  聚焦苹果图标背后的故事

  Maps icon
  The map on the iPhone Maps icon? It’s Apple’s home address. Number 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino. The address itself is an in-joke amongst programmers, describing a never-ending loop of code, and also describes the circular road Apple’s campus is built upon. You can see that circular road, and Interstate 280 which flies right by it, in all their glory within the Maps icon, along with a pin to indicate Apple’s front door。
  还记得iPod和iPhone上的地图图标吗?红色的大头针标注的是苹果在加州Cupertino的总部:Number1 Infinite Loop。这个地址是苹果编程员的一个内部笑话,Infinite Loop意为永无休止的循环代码,它也可以代表图标上的圈。

  iPod Artists icon
  Dive in to the iPhone or iPod touch’s iPod function and cast your eyes toward the bottom of the screen. There you’ll see an Artists option, illustrated as all good bands are, by a man screaming his lungs out at a microphone. But look closer. Does the silhouette look familiar? It should do to U2 fans, since it’s lead singer, and some-time Apple collaborator, Bono。

  iBooks Browse icon

  Fire up your iPhone, iPod or iPad for that matter and dive into iBooks. Take a look inside the iBooks Store and glance down at the Browse icon. Whose glasses are those? They look awfully like those of Apple founder, CEO and interface-tweaker-in-chief, Steve Jobs. It seems the Podfather is also a bit of a bookworm。
  打开iBooks Store,看Browse图标,是不是一副眼镜?传说这幅眼镜是苹果的CEO乔布斯戴的那副,但是大家有没有觉得这幅眼镜也和哈利波特的那副很像呢?

  iCal icon
  If you put the icon for Apple’s iCal calendar app into the OS X dock, you’ll see it shows today’s date. However, look it up in the Applications folder and you’ll see its default setting: July 17. That’s the day Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduced it in front of crowds at the Macworld Expo 2002.
  苹果的日历图标iCal。iCal的图标显示的日期是7月17日。这是因为苹果发布iCal是在2002年7月17日的MacWorld Expo大会。

  Windows computer icons
  Access a networked Windows PC from a Mac and you’ll see a tiny beige monitor next to it. It’s small, nondescript and seems innocent. But dig out the full-size version of that icon and you’ll see the monitor is displaying a “blue screen of death” error message, a sly poke at Windows perceived unreliability by Apple designers。

  Apple Font Book icon
  Apple’s computers have long been a favourite of writers, designers and editors of every persuasion. The Font Book app is, therefore, an often used part of OS X. Its icon, however, holds a neat in-joke. The letters used to make it are A, F and K. In internet-speak, AFK stands for Away From Keyboard。
  苹果字体书的图标,里面有一个小笑话,AFK是网络用语“Away From Keyboard”的简写,苹果是不是让广大经常对着电脑敲打的人们能够经常小憩一下呢?

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