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--  作者:lcx0
--  发布时间:7/18/2011 9:28:00 AM

--  Wireless Engineering and Technology -Table of Contents(Vol.02 No.02, Apr. 2011)

Wireless Engineering and Technology
ISSN: 2152-2294 (Print) 2152-2308 (Online).
WET free online access: http://www.scirp.org/journal/wet.

Table of Contents(Vol.02 No.02, Apr. 2011):

Bandwidth Enhancement and Size Reduction of Microstrip Patch Antenna by Magnetoinductive Waveguide Loading
Jayant G. Joshi, Shyam S. Pattnaik, Swapna Devi, Mohan R. Lohokare

MoM Analysis and Design of a Compact Coaxial-to-Microstrip Directional Coupler
Nadia Benabdallah, Nasreddine Benahmed, Fethi Tarik Bendimerad, Boumedienne Benyoucef

Performance Tradeoff with Routing Protocols for Radio Models in Wireless Sensor Networks
Manju Bala, Lalit Awasthi

Reconfigurable Microstrip Double-Dipole Antennas for Personal Wireless Communications
Abdelnasser Eldek, Abubaker Abdallah, Mahmoud Manzoul

Error Resilient IPTV for an IEEE 802.16e Channel
Laith Al-Jobouri, Martin Fleury, Mohammed Ghanbari

Inhomogeneous Perforated Reflect-Array Antennas
Mojtaba Moeini-Fard, Mohammad Khalaj-Amirhosseini

A Self-Optimization of the Dynamic Resource Management Based on the Cognitive Radio
Jamal Raiyn

Aperture Coupled Microstrip Antenna for Dual-Band
Rajesh Kumar Vishwakarma, Sanjay Tiwari

Layout Design of LC VCO with Current Mirror Using 0.18 µm Technology
Namrata Prasad, Radheshyam Gamad

A Self-Similar Fractal Cantor Antenna for MICS Band Wireless Applications
Gopalakrishnan Srivatsun, Sundaresan Subha Rani, Gangadaran Saisundara Krishnan

A New Algorithm of Mobile Node Localization Based on RSSI
Jie Zhan, Hongli Liu, Bowei Huang

[color=#FF6600]More Issues[/color]
Vol.2 No.1, Jan. 2011 Vol.1 No.2, Oct. 2010 Vol.1 No.1, Jul. 2010
WET is an OPEN ACCESS journal dedicated to the latest advancement of wireless engineering and technology.
Antenna Systems and Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering
Multiuser and Multiple Access Schemes
Radio Network Planning and Optimisation for UMTS
Vehicular Communications and Networks
Wireless Multimedia Communications and Computing
Wireless Sensor Networks
Wireless Traffic and Routing
Broadband Wireless Access Techniques
Radio Resource Management and Interference Control
Microwave and Millimetre Wave Theory and techniques
Optical Wireless Communications
Terahertz and Infrared Technology and Engineering
Wireless Channel Modeling and Propagation
Wireless Power Transmission
Wireless System Architectures and Applications
Body Area Networks and Its Applications
Cognitive Radio and Software Defined Radio
Wireless Air Interface and Link Control

Contact us:wet@scirp.org


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