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    >> 2011亚太语义互联网会议ASWC2011和第五届中国语义互联网研讨会CSWC2011, 将于12月4-6号在杭州召开
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       本主题类别: Ontology Language    
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    Dec. 4 is the tutorial day, we will have 3 tutorials in the whole day.

    Tutorial 1: Local Closed World Reasoning with OWL 2
    Presenter: Jeff Z. Pan  from University of Aberdeen
    Abstract: The goal of the Local Closed World Reasoning for OWL 2 tutorial is twofold: to (1) introduce local closed world extensions of OWL 2 as powerful tool for  knowledge representation, so as to properly represent ³things that we know that we know and things that we know that we don¹t know², and to (2) present approximate techniques for efficient reasoning in these extensions. The tutorial consists of three parts. It will begin with an overview of local closed world extensions. The introduction will include examples of how to make use of these extensions in ontology applications. The second part will be dedicated to approximate reasoning for the NBox (Negation as Failure) approach, which is supported by the TrOWL tractable OWL 2 reasoning infrastructure. The last part of the tutorial is a hands-on session on some tools related to the first two parts.

    Tutorial 2 Semantic Mediawiki
    Presenter: Jesse Wang, Ning Hu, Mark Greaves  from Vulcan Group
    Abstract: This tutorial is an introduction to semantic wikis and applications that use or are built on top of semantic wikis. Semantic wikis combine the power of semantic technologies with the social aspects and usability of wikis. This tutorial will cover the origins and use cases for semantic wikis, the current state of art, case studies and examples, popular software extensions, semantic wiki based applications, and future trends. We will focus on the most used semantic wiki software package (the open-source Semantic MediaWiki, or SMW). We will go deep into SMW and its extension suite, e.g. extensions for editing, data integration, forms-based input and visualizations. We will also describe some real-world applications, including one integrating SMW with Microsoft Office applications. Semantic Wiki can be viewed as social semantic web in the small, after the tutorial, attendees can build an application in as short as 30 minutes, with freely-downloadable software.

    Tutorial 3: Semantic Mobile Web
    Presenter: Shonali Krishnaswamy and Yuan-Fang Li
    Abstract: The combination of the versatility of smart devices and the richness of data and software of the Semantic Web forms a great foundation for a semantic mobile Web that will contribute to realising the true potential of both disciplines. This tutorial presents the state-of-the-art development of mobile and semantic technologies and outlines opportunities and specific research challenges of the application of Semantic Web technologies in a mobile setting.

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