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    发信人: zj945 (活着,暂时), 信区: DotNET        
    标  题: 命令行环境学习C#
    发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Wed May 21 16:44:14 2003), 转信



    MS要求win2k安装 Service Pack 3
    NT 4.0 要Service Pack 6a

    1)安装 Microsoft .NET Framework Redistributable Package
    dotnetfx.exe 20多M,
    安装所需的硬盘空间:160 MB
    所需的硬盘空间:70 MB

    2)安装.NET Framework SDK
    setup.exe 100多M
    安装所需的硬盘空间:600 MB
    所需的硬盘空间:370 MB

    3)安装.NET Framework Language Pack (可选)
    langpack.exe 1M多
    网站上的说明:NET Framework 语言包包含翻译为非英语语言的文本,如错误信息之类
    的文本。在非英语操作系统中运行 .NET Framework 应用程序并不需要安装语言包;但
    是,如果您想用英语之外的一种语言查看 .NET Framework UI 资源,就需要这种语言的


    假定你将.net framework安装在E盘,在E:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v1.1\B
    ,右键点击,在属性中将目标该为%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe /k 地址\sdkvars.
    bat;起始目录可以填入平时存放代码的目录 。因为在这里不支持长文件名,为方便起
    %\system32\cmd.exe /k e:\sdkvars.bat。这样以后每次双击图标,就可以在命令行工


    The .NET Framework SDK contains many useful programming tools. Here, in an a
    lphabetical list,are those we have found most useful or necessary for develo
    ping C# applications. Unless otherwise noted, the tools in this list can be  
    found either in the \bin directory of your .NET Framework SDK installation o
    r in the %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\VERSION directory (replace VER
    SION with the framework version). Once the .NET Framework is installed, you  
    can access these tools from any directory. To use any of these tools, invoke
    a Command Prompt window and enter the name of the desired tool. For a compl
    ete list of the available command-line switches for any given tool, enter th
    e tool name (e.g., csc) and press the Return or Enter key.

    ADepends.exe: assembly dependency list
    Adepends displays all assemblies that a given assembly is dependent on to lo
    ad. This is a useful C# program found among the samples in the \Tool Develop
    ers Guide directory beneath the .NET Framework or Visual Studio .NET directo
    ry tree. You need to install these samples before you can use them, because  
    they are not installed by default.

    Al.exe: assembly linking utility
    Creates an assembly manifest from the modules and resources files you name.  
    You can also include Win32 resources files. Here's an example:
    al /out:c.dll a.netmodule b.netmodule

    CorDbg.exe : runtime debugger
    General source-level, command-line debug utility for MSIL programs. Very use
    ful tool for C# source debugging. Source for cordbg is available in the \Too
    l Developers Guide directory.

    Csc.exe: C# compiler
    Compiles C# sources and incorporates resource files and separately compiled  
    modules.Also allows you to specify conditional compilation options, XML docu
    mentation, and path information. Here are some examples:
    csc foo.cs /r:bar.dll /win32res:foo.res
    csc foo.cs /debug /define:TEMP

    DbgClr.exe: GUI debugger
    Windows-based, source-level debugger. Available in the \GuiDebug directory o
    f the .NET Framework SDK installation.

    GACUtil.exe: global assembly cache utility
    Allows you to install, uninstall, and list the contents of the global assemb
    ly cache. Here's an example:
    gacutil /i c.dll

    ILAsm.exe: MSIL assembler
    Creates MSIL modules and assemblies directly from an MSIL textual representa

    ILDasm.exe : MSIL disassembler
    Disassembles modules and assemblies. The default is to display a tree-style
    representation, but you can also specify an output file. Here are some examp
    ildasm b.dll
    ildasm b.dll /out=b.asm

    InstallUtil.exe: installer utility
    Executes installers and uninstallers contained within the assembly. A logfil
    e can be written, and state information can be persisted.

    Ngen.exe: native image generator
    Compiles an assembly to native code and installs a native image in the local
    assembly cache. That native image is used each time you access the original
    assembly, even though the original assembly contains MSIL. If the runtime c
    an't locate the native image,it falls back on JIT compilation. Here are some
    ngen foo.exe
    ngen foo.dll

    nmake.exe: make utility
    Common utility that scripts building of multiple components and source files
    and tracks rebuild dependency information. See Appendix E for more informat

    PEVerify.exe: portable executable verifier
    Verifies that your compiler has generated type-safe MSIL. C# will always gen
    erate typesafe MSIL. Useful interop with ILASM-based programs.

    RegAsm.exe: register assembly tool
    Registers an assembly in the system registry. This allows COM clients to cal
    l managed methods. You can also use it to generate the registry file for fut
    ure registration. Here's an example:
    regasm /regfile:c.reg c.dll

    RegSvcs.exe : register services utility
    Registers an assembly to COM+ 1.0, and installs its typelib into an existing
    application. Can also generate a typelib. Here's an example:
    regsvcs foo.dll /appname:comapp /tlb:newfoo.tlb

    Sn.exe : shared name utility
    Verifies assemblies and their key information. Also generates key files. Her
    e's an
    sn -k mykey.snk

    SoapSuds.exe: SoapSuds utility
    Creates XML schemas for services in an assembly and creates assemblies from  
    a schema. You can also reference the schema via its URL. Here's an example:
    soapsuds -url:http://localhost/myapp/app.soap?wsdl-os:app.xml

    TlbExp.exe : type library exporter
    Exports a COM typelib derived from the public types within the supplied asse
    mbly. Differs from regasm in that it doesn't perform any registration. Here'
    s an example:
    tlbexp /out:c.tlb c.dll

    TlbImp.exe: type library importer
    Creates a managed assembly from the supplied COM typelib, mapping the type
    definitions to .NET types. You need to import this new assembly into your C#
    program for use. Here's an example:
    tlbimp /out:MyOldCom.dll MyCom.tlb

    Wsdl.exe: web services description language tool
    Creates service descriptions and generates proxies for ASP.NET web-service m
    ethods.See the ASP.NET documentation in the .NET Framework SDK for more detail on w
    eb services.

    WinCV.exe : windows class viewer
    Searches for matching names within a supplied assembly. If none are supplied
    , it uses the default libraries. The namespaces and classes are displayed in
    a listbox, and the selected type information is displayed in another window

    Xsd.exe : XML schema definition tool
    Generates XML schemas from XDR, XML files, or class information. Can also ge
    nerate DataSet or class information from a schema. Here's an example:
    xsd foo.xdr
    xsd bar.dll


    .net framework附带的documentation,samples,QuickStart Tutorials都是很好的学习

    [OReilly] CSharp Essentials

    [OReilly] Programming CSharp 2E

    [Prentice Hall] Thinkin CSharp

    [MS Press] Inside CSharp

    [MS Press] Programming.Microsoft.Windows.with.C#
    Charles Petzold的全书,肯定是可以放在手边常翻常看的

    ※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站 smth.org·[FROM:]

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