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    >> 本版讨论.NET,C#,ASP,VB技术
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    发贴心情 C#快餐-19

    发信人: nice (春天), 信区: DotNET        
    标  题: C#快餐-19
    发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Thu Jul 26 02:22:10 2001)

    Lesson 19. Creating components with C#

       According to Microsoft's marketing, component development is vastly  
    simplified in .Net framework. Windows operating system consists of thousands  
    and thousands of dlls. These dlls need to be accessed by application dlls  
    which must interoperate with each other as well as with the operating system.  
    Creating and managing dll files  takes a lot of windows developer resources.
    Every new version of an application must come with the new version of the  
    dynamic link libraries. After awhile, your computer has lots of dlls and you  
    can start experimenting by removing them from your computer and  checking if  
    your machine still boots afterwards. Dotnet framework relies on and supports  
    component development. Dotnet does not solve the fundamental problem of having
    different versions of the same dll  to support different applications. However,  
    the creation and version control appears to be easier in .Net. Let's write a  
    simple dll console application in C and C# and compare the two. This  
    application contains a client and a server. The client needs to add 3 and 5  
    and she calls the server to do this for her. Let's start with C code. To  
    implement this, we need five files:

    #define EXPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
    EXPORT int CALLBACK mSum(int x,int y);
    #include "server.h"
    EXPORT int CALLBACK mSum(int x, int y)
    return x+y;
    CFLAGS=-c  -G5  -W3  -Tp
    GUILIBS=-DEFAULTLIB:user32.lib gdi32.lib winmm.lib comdlg32.lib comctl32.lib

    $(LINKER) $(DLLFLAGS) -OUT:server.dll server.obj $(GUILIBS)
    server.obj: server.c server.h
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) server.c
    CFLAGS=-c -G5  -W3  -Tp
    GUILIBS=-DEFAULTLIB:user32.lib gdi32.lib winmm.lib comdlg32.lib comctl32.lib

    $(LINKER) $(GUIFLAGS) -OUT:client.exe client.obj server.lib $(GUILIBS)
    client.obj: client.c server.h
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) client.c
    #include "server.h"
    void main()

    To compile these files, type nmake server.mak. If the compiler does not  
    complaint type nmake client.mak and, if everything is OK, run client.exe.  
    The total amount of code in the preceding examples is 36 lines (I have  
    counted linker and compiler variables only once.).

    Now, let's do the same thing in C#.

    using System;
    class Client
        public static void Main()
    public class Sum{
    public static int mSum(int x,int y)
            return x+y;
        To compile and run this code, type csc /t:library /out:server.dll  
    server.cs. This creates server.dll file. To compile the client, you need to
    reference the server with csc /r:server.dl client.cs. The total amount of  
    code is 15 lines, the code much simpler, and there are only 2 files to deal  
    with. For a sufficiently large application the amount of C code is going to  
    be comparable to the amount of C# code. The main advantage of C# comes from  
    the reduced number of files and the absence of complex linker options and
    header files.

    1. Measure the time it takes to create a C# and C++ dll's for a specific  
    application. Is C# component development always easier? How does debugging  
    time compare?

    2. Do you think server.dll can be used on a computer that does not have  
    Common Language Runtime installed?

    3. Find a mistake in this page.

    4. Write a really cool program and send it to me. Do not forget to put a lot
    of comments.


    ※ 修改:·walts 於 Jul 26 10:21:58 修改本文·[FROM:]
    ※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站 smth.org·[FROM:]

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