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    >> 计算机英语求助,计算机英语翻译互助
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     XWford 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?巨蟹座1983-6-27

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    发贴心情 [推荐] BBC World Service | Learning English

    BBC English 很有名,相信不用我介绍,



    earning English - Support material

    In this section you will find a range of materials that you can download and print off to help you study and learn English. There are two areas so far, but look out for  further additions in the future. b>Check out our new professional skills guide and quizzes booklet now

    Downloads technical help
    These guides and quizzes are in PDF format. To view them, download the free adobe acrobat reader available from: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html

    Study Guides
    NEW Professional Skills

    In this booklet, we look at some of the ways in which people use English at work and with colleagues.We show you how you can improve your professional skills in English, both in writing and in speaking.The booklet is designed both for people using English for work and students who are preparing to enter the workplace.
    ?download (pdf 115kb)

    Learning Circles

    Around the world there are 800 Learning Circles (or English Clubs) where family, friends and colleagues meet to learn English together. This booklet gives advice on how to set up a learning circle and, for people who are already members of one, gives suggestions for new activities to try.
    ?download (pdf 274kb)

    Vocabulary Notebook

    We all know how difficult it is to remember new words when learning English. So let BBC World Service help you with our Learning English Vocabulary Notebook. In the notebook, we show you eight ways of recording the new words and phrases you hear when you are listening to the BBC World Service. After each technique we give you space to record your own choice of new vocabulary. In this way, you can decide which techniques work best for you.
    ?download (pdf 82kb)

    Upgrade Your English
    'Ideas which can give your confidence a boost'
    Learning English takes time and patience, but there are some shortcuts which can help you make an almost instant improvement. This booklet gives ideas on how to widen your vocabulary, get out of a learning rut, give yourself time to think in conversations, change the tone of what you say, keep the conversation going and more.
    ?download (pdf 183kb)

    Better Speaking
    'Improve your spoken English'
    This booklet is designed to help you overcome some of the most common problems that people face when they are learning to speak English. Using extracts from a BBC World Service radio series, Better Speaking, we look at how you can become a more fluent speaker of English, and at some of the skills you need for effective communication.
    ?download (pdf 512kb)

    Effective Reading
    'Reading literature in English'
    Reading and listening to literature in English can support your English studies in many ways. The ideas and opinions you discover can give you insight into different countries and cultures. This booklet is designed to show you how you can use short stories, plays and abridged novels broadcast on BBC World Service to increase your understanding of English literature and to improve your own use of English.
    ?download (pdf 563kb)

    Learning Guide
    'Build vocabulary, make phrases and correct your own errors'
    This booklet is full of tips to help you improve your English and exercises to help you practise what you've learnt. The 8 sections are: How to build your vocabulary, How to make useful phrases, How to use past tenses correctly, How to use future forms correctly, How to choose the correct preposition, How to use phrasal verbs, How to compare and contrast things and how to correct your own errors.
    ?download (pdf 611kb)

    Self Study
    'Make the most of your study time'
    Using extracts from BBC World Service radio programmes the booklet will help you access English around you, set your own goals and see your own progress, make decisions about learning vocabulary, make the most of your dictionary, improve your pronunciation, make the most of the books you have, use the internet to improve your English and create networks of English learners in your own village, town or country.
    ?download (pdf 514kb)

    The Language of Study and Work
    'Write better essays, give effective presentations - and get that job!'
    The booklet looks first at some of the language skills which are necessary if you need to use English for academic study at college or university. The second part focuses on some of the language and skills you might need if you want a job which involves using English. The final topic deals with developing effective presentation skills - useful for both students and for people whose work involves using English.
    ?download (pdf 519kb)

    The Language of the Media
    'News headlines, sports commentaries, arts reviews...'
    This booklet is designed to introduce you to some of the styles of English you will hear when listening to BBC World Service. The aim of this booklet is to help you become a more effective listener in English. We have identified eight types of programmes or parts of programmes and have created tasks to help you recognise and understand them more easily.
    ?download (pdf 542kb)

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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2004/9/15 18:05:00
     hjx_221 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    It's very good to know these.
    Thanks you very much!


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