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    发贴心情 [020401050]DOM与ASP的接口问题?

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                      <form name="form1" method="post" action="">

         Set DomXML=Server.CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
         DomXML.Load "d:/知识查询与疑难问题系统/ds.XML"
         Set root=DomXML.documentElement
         set childNodes=root.selectNodes("//"&keywords(0)) '查找符合第一个关键字的所有节点
         if childNodes.length=0 then response.Write "<font color='#FF3366'>"&"对不起,找不到你要的问题的答案!" &"</font>"

         dim stack()
         redim stack(100,1)
         for i=0 to childNodes.length-1
             set child=childNodes.item(i)
             set stack(top,0)=child

         while top>0
             set parent=stack(top,0)
             if key_i+1=keyword_num then  '关键字匹配完毕
                       set answerNodes=parent.childNodes
                       if answerNodes.length>1 then
                       end if
                       for m=0 to answerNodes.length-2
                            set child=answerNodes.item(m)
                            if child.nodeType=1 or child.nodetype=2 then         'Current node is element node
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                            end if
                       set child=answerNodes.item(m)
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                         end if
                          if child.nodeType=1 then
                          elseif child.nodeType=3 or child.nodeType=4 then
                          end if
                       end if
                       response.Write "<font color='#FF3366'>"&answer&"</font>"
             set childSet=parent.childNodes
             for j=0 to childSet.length-1
                set child=childSet.item(j)
                if strcomp(childName,keywords(key_i+1))=0 then
                   set stack(top,0)=child
                end if
             if finded=FALSE then
                for k=0 to childSet.length-1
                   set child=childSet.item(k)
                   set stack(top,0)=child
             end if
            end if

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