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    >> 本版讨论Semantic Web(语义Web,语义网或语义万维网, Web 3.0)及相关理论,如:Ontology(本体,本体论), OWL(Web Ontology Langauge,Web本体语言), Description Logic(DL, 描述逻辑),RDFa,Ontology Engineering等。
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       本主题类别: Web Services | Semantic Web | 学术论文    
     admin 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    发贴心情 WWW 2005 论文集下载 (含长文、poster以及Workshop文章)

    WWW 2005 Conference

    A Convenient Method for Securely Managing Passwords (146 KB)
    A Multilingual Usage Consultation Tool Based on Internet Searching (317 KB)
    A Search Engine for Natural Language Applications (211 KB)
    A Service Creation Environment Based on End to End Composition of Web Services (239 KB)
    Accessibility - A Web Engineering Approach (264 KB)
    Algorithmic Detection of Semantic Similarity (859 KB)
    An Abuse-Free Fair Contract Signing Protocol Based on the RSA Signature (136 KB)
    An Enhanced Model for Searching in Semantic Portals (174 KB)
    ATMEN - A Triggered Network Measurement Infrastructure (394 KB)
    Automatic Identification of User Goals in Web Search (183 KB)
    AwareDAV - A Generic WebDAV Notification Framework and Implementation (363 KB)
    Building Adaptable and Reusable XML Applications with Model Transformations (130 KB)
    CubeSVD - A Novel Approach to Personalized Web Search (270 KB)
    Disambiguating Web Appearances of People in a Social Network (163 KB)
    Duplicate Detection in Click Streams (180 KB)
    eBag - A Ubiquitous Web Infrastructure for Nomadic Learning (7,857 KB)
    Ensuring Required Failure Atomicity of Composite Web Services (1,084 KB)
    Exception Handling in Workflow-Driven Web Applications (215 KB)
    Executing Incoherency Bounded Continuous Queries at Web Data Aggregators (211 KB)
    Fully Automatic Wrapper Generation For Search Engines (282 KB)
    Gimme' The Context - Context-driven Automatic Semantic Annotation with C-PANKOW (191 KB)
    GlobeDB - Autonomic Data Replication for Web Applications (171 KB)
    Hardening Web Browsers Against Man-in-the-Middle and Eavesdropping Attacks (597 KB)
    Hierarchical Substring Caching for Efficient Content Distribution to Low-Bandwidth Clients (163 KB)
    Improving Portlet Interoperability Through Deep Annotation (295 KB)
    Improving Recommendation Lists Through Topic Diversification (233 KB)
    Improving Understanding of Website Privacy Policies with Fine-Grained Policy Anchors (319 KB)
    Improving Web Search Efficiency via a Locality Based Static Pruning Method (125 KB)
    Innovation for a Human-Centered Network (97 KB)
    Learning Domain Ontologies for Web Service Descriptions - an Experiment in Bioinformatics (173 KB)
    Making RDF Presentable Integrated Global and Local Semantic Web Browsing (1,074 KB)
    On the Lack of Typical Behavior in the Global Web Traffic Network (639 KB)
    Online Curriculum on the Semantic Web - The CSD-UoC Portal for Peer-to-Peer E-learning (1,366 KB)
    Opinion Observer - Analyzing and Comparing Opinions on the Web (291 KB)
    Ranking a Stream of News (314 KB)
    Sampling Search-Engine Results (206 KB)
    Semantic Similarity Between Search Engine Queries Using Temporal Correlation (182 KB)
    SemRank - Ranking Complex Relationship Search Results on the Semantic Web (515 KB)
    Shared Lexicon for Distributed Annotations on the Web (152 KB)
    Static Approximation of Dynamically Generated Web Pages (131 KB)
    Sub-Document Queries Over XML with XSQuirrel (162 KB)
    The Case for Technology for Developing Regions (100 KB)
    The Classroom Sentinel - Supporting Data-Driven Decision-Making in the Classroom (416 KB)
    Three-Level Caching for Efficient Query Processing in Large Web Search Engines (158 KB)
    Thresher - Automating the Unwrapping of Semantic Content from the World Wide Web (244 KB)
    Topic Segmentation of Message Hierarchies for Indexing and Navigation Support (252 KB)
    Towards Usable Web Privacy and Security (97 KB)
    TrustGuard - Countering Vulnerabilities in Reputation Management for Decentralized Overlay Networks (299 KB)
    User-Centric Web Crawling (780 KB)
    Using XForms to Simplify Web Programming (158 KB)
    Web Data Extraction Based on Partial Tree Alignment (321 KB)
    Web Service Interfaces (198 KB)
    Web-Assisted Annotation, Semantic Indexing and Search of Television and Radio News (286 KB)
    WWW at 15 Years - Looking Forward (88 KB)
    XJ - Facilitating XML Processing in Java (230 KB)
    XQuery Containment in Presence of Variable Binding Dependencies (182 KB)


    Policy Management for the World Wide Web 2005 Proceedings (1,660 KB)
    (AIRWeb'05) An Analysis of Factors Used in Search Engine Ranking (66 KB)
    (AIRWeb'05) Blocking Blog Spam with Language Model Disagreement (150 KB)
    (AIRWeb'05) Cloaking and Redirection - A Preliminary Study (202 KB)
    (AIRWeb'05) Optimal Link Bombs are Uncoordinated (195 KB)
    (AIRWeb'05) Pagerank Increase under Different Collusion Topologies (371 KB)
    (AIRWeb'05) SpamRank - Fully Automatic Link Spam Detection Work in progress (96 KB)
    (AIRWeb'05) Web Spam Taxonomy (302 KB)
    (AIRWeb'05) Web Spam, Propaganda and Trust (586 KB)
    (CDWWA) AcceSS - Accessibility through Simplification & Summarization (2,538 KB)
    (CDWWA) An Active Step toward A Web Content Accessible Society (157 KB)
    (CDWWA) Automatic Accessibility Evaluation of Dynamic Web Pages Generated Through XSLT (78 KB)
    (CDWWA) Designing Learning Systems to Provide Accessible Services (341 KB)
    (CDWWA) Do text transcoders improve usability for disabled users (197 KB)
    (CDWWA) Engineering Accessible Design (218 KB)
    (CDWWA) Extracting Content from Accessible Web Pages (707 KB)
    (CDWWA) Forcing Standardization or Accommodating Diversity A Framework for Applying the WCAG in the Real World (444 KB)
    (CDWWA) Interdependent Components of Web Accessibility (335 KB)
    (CDWWA) International Cross-Disciplinary Workshop on Web Accessibility (194 KB)
    (CDWWA) Is Accessible Design A Myth (166 KB)
    (CDWWA) Mozilla Accessibility on Unix-Linux (1,036 KB)
    (CDWWA) Platform-Independent Accessibility API - Accessible Document Object Model (89 KB)
    (CDWWA) SemanticWeb Enabled Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools (149 KB)
    (CDWWA) Web Composition with WCAG in mind (7,295 KB)
    (CDWWA) What's the Web Like If You Can't See It (609 KB)
    (IWES) A Model and Infrastructure for Federated Learning Content Repositories (144 KB)
    (IWES) A Simple Query Interface for Interoperable Learning Repositories (76 KB)
    (IWES) Defining Several Ontologies to Enhance the Expressive Power of Queries (145 KB)
    (IWES) Improving Interoperability Through Better Re-usability (617 KB)
    (IWES) Intelligent Agent for e-Tourism - Personalization Travel Support Agent using Reinforcement Learning (196 KB)
    (IWES) Interoperability for Peer-to-Peer Networks - Opening P2P to the rest of the World (383 KB)
    (IWES) Knowledge Level Design Support for Adaptive Learning Contents (377 KB)
    (IWES) Learner-centred Accessibility for Interoperable Web-based Educational Systems (1,548 KB)
    (IWES) On Interoperability of Ontologies for Web-based Educational Systems (238 KB)
    (IWES) Query translation between RDF and XML - A case study in the educational domain (602 KB)
    (IWES) Ubiquitous Networking for GENES Society - e-Learning Tools and Digital Archives for Education with Significant Use of Cultural Heritage (2,559 KB)
    (IWES) Web-based Learning in Remedial Course of Science and Technology (1,122 KB)
    (IWI'05) A Standard Framework for Web Personalization (38 KB)
    (IWI'05) An ECA Rule-based Workflow Design Tool for Shanghai Grid1 (203 KB)
    (IWI'05) An HTTP-based Context Negotiation Model for Realizing the User-Aware Web (263 KB)
    (IWI'05) An Infrastructure for Anonymous Internet Services (54 KB)
    (IWI'05) Building the web infrastructure for providing rating services and subscription to them (202 KB)
    (IWI'05) ContextPeers - Scalable Peer-to-Peer Search for Context Information (246 KB)
    (IWI'05) Emergence of Spontaneous Order Through Neighborhood Formation in Peer-to-Peer Recommender Systems (189 KB)
    (IWI'05) Semantic-Based Matching and Personalization in FWEB, a Publish-Subscribe-Based Web Infrastructure (120 KB)
    (Japan) Activities on Semantic Web Technologies in Japan (13 KB)
    (Japan) An Intelligent Data Broker for Virtual Integration of Heterogeneous Distributed Meteorological Databases (34 KB)
    (Japan) Decision Support System for Rocket Launch Using Semantic Web Services (362 KB)
    (Japan) Finding Similarity and Comparability from Merged Hetero Data of the Semantic Web by Using Graph Pattern Matching (94 KB)
    (Japan) Functional Metadata Schema for Engineering Knowledge Management (667 KB)
    (Japan) Knowledge Resource Search System on Groupware (50 KB)
    (Japan) Meeting information management based on Semantic Web (743 KB)
    (Japan) Metamodel for Ontology Registration (261 KB)
    (Japan) Overview Pragmatics of RDF-OWL Disclaimer The notion of ontology Ontology types Ontologies and data models (1,106 KB)
    (Japan) RDF-Topic Maps mapping and application framework (123 KB)
    (Japan) Semantic-Structure-Based Search Engine (145 KB)
    (Japan) SemanticWeb Engine (652 KB)
    (Japan) Semblog Project (1,019 KB)
    (Japan) Ubiquitous Service Finder (8,309 KB)
    (MobEA III) A Device and Service Description Framework for Discovering and Reasoning in Autonomous P2P Environment (52 KB)
    (MobEA III) A Semantic-based Cache Replacement Algorithm for Mobile File Access (172 KB)
    (MobEA III) Browsing on Mobile Phones (144 KB)
    (MobEA III) Incorporating Preferences into Web Service Conversations (117 KB)
    (MobEA III) Internet Authentication Based on Personal History - A Feasibility Test (149 KB)
    (MobEA III) Performance Evaluation of an Alert Dissemination Engine based on the AT&T Enterprise Messaging Network (75 KB)
    (MobEA III) Supporting Mobile and Nomadic Learning (356 KB)
    (MobEA III) Usability - the art of delivering what the buyer requires (64 KB)
    (MobEA III) User Centric Services Without the Guesswork - The MobiLife Approach (198 KB)
    (MobEA III) User-centred Accessibility as Re-configurability for Location-based Information Systems (182 KB)
    (SeC 2005) CDL (Concept Description Language) - A Common Language for Semantic Computing (56 KB)
    (SeC 2005) OWL Ontology Translation for the Semantic Web (58 KB)
    (SeC 2005) Semantic Document Processing with xfy technology (64 KB)
    (SeC 2005) Semantic Structure Transition with Elapsed Time (230 KB)
    (SeC 2005) The DBin Semantic Web platform - an overview (353 KB)
    (SeC 2005) Toward Detecting Mapping Strategies for Ontology Interoperability (134 KB)
    (SeC 2005) Transforming E-contents into a Storybook World with Animations and dialogues using Semantic Tags (372 KB)
    (SeC 2005) UNL2005 for Providing Knowledge Infrastructure (507 KB)
    (SeC 2005) Web Proper Names - Naming Referents on the Web (192 KB)
    (Weblogging Ecosystem) Analyzing concerns of people using Weblog articles and real world temporal data (919 KB)
    (Weblogging Ecosystem) Blogging, RSS and the Information Landscape - A Look At Online News (75 KB)
    (Weblogging Ecosystem) Differences between Blogs and Web Diaries (91 KB)
    (Weblogging Ecosystem) Discovering Important Bloggers based on Analyzing Blog Threads (803 KB)
    (Weblogging Ecosystem) Extracting Latent Weblog Communities (304 KB)
    (Weblogging Ecosystem) GIS and the Blogosphere (602 KB)
    (Weblogging Ecosystem) Learning Contextualised Weblog Topics (96 KB)
    (Weblogging Ecosystem) The EigenRumor Algorithm for Ranking Blogs (132 KB)
    (Weblogging Ecosystem) The Political Blogosphere and the 2004 U.S. Election - Divided They Blog (1,050 KB)
    (Weblogging Ecosystem) Tomographic Clustering To Visualize Blog Communities as Mountain Views (106 KB)
    (WSS2005) A Conversation-oriented language for B2B integration based on Semantic Web Services (136 KB)
    (WSS2005) A Description Logic Based Approach to Reasoning about Web Services (195 KB)
    (WSS2005) A Semantic Similarity Measure for Semantic Web Services (1,400 KB)
    (WSS2005) Automatic Composition of Process-based Web Services - a Challenge (112 KB)
    (WSS2005) Combining Ontology and Rules as Service Constraint Policy for P2P Systems (59 KB)
    (WSS2005) Exposing Semantic Web Service principles in SOA to solve EAI scenarios (111 KB)
    (WSS2005) Ontology Services for the Virtual Enterprise (117 KB)
    (WSS2005) Position Paper - Formal Methods for Developing Adaptable, Secure, Situation-aware Service-oriented ( (58 KB)
    (WSS2005) sButler - A Mediator between Organizations' Workflows and the Semantic Web (342 KB)
    (WSS2005) Semantic Service Markup with SESMA (179 KB)
    (WSS2005) The Need for Type Theory in Semantic Web Services (38 KB)
    (WSS2005) Towards Dynamic Execution Semantics in Semantic Web Services (222 KB)

    [此贴子已经被作者于2011-1-3 23:10:35编辑过]

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    InfoQ SOA首席编辑胡键评《RESTful Web Services中文版》

    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2005/12/12 22:20:00
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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2005/12/13 9:28:00
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    InfoQ SOA首席编辑胡键评《RESTful Web Services中文版》

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    InfoQ SOA首席编辑胡键评《RESTful Web Services中文版》

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