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    >> 本版讨论Semantic Web(语义Web,语义网或语义万维网, Web 3.0)及相关理论,如:Ontology(本体,本体论), OWL(Web Ontology Langauge,Web本体语言), Description Logic(DL, 描述逻辑),RDFa,Ontology Engineering等。
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     * 贴子主题: 谁在使用语义技术?——采用Semantic Web技术的大公司列表 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
       本主题类别: Semantic Web    
     Huang 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    发贴心情 谁在使用语义技术?——采用Semantic Web技术的大公司列表

    语义技术作为一个面向万维网的基础技术, 许多普通用户可能还不是很清楚其所用的系统底层是语义技术在支撑着。 下面是一个列表介绍了许多国际大公司使用语义技术的情况。 这些大公司包括Facebook, Google, Yahoo,Microsoft, BBC等。

        NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) [2]
        BBC, United Kingdom [2]
        Facebook [5]
        The World Bank [29]
        The British Library [34]
        Statoil, Norway [2]
        National Institutes of Health (NIH), GenBank, USA [34]
        European Comission [18]
        Google [4]
        United Nations [14]
        DELL [15]
        National Library of Medicine, USA [8]
        Microsoft [4]
        CIA [10]
        The Guardian, UK [37]
        Ford motor company [21]
        Max-Planck Institute, Germany [34]
        BT (British telecom), United Kingdom [2]
        AUDI AG, Germany [2]
        Pfizer [1]
        UK Government [30]
        Best Buy, USA [6]
        General Electric [20]
        Astrazeneca [27]
        IBM [24]
        Vodafone, United Kingdom [2]
        Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), USA [11]
        Lockheed Martin [32]
        Yahoo [2]
        Chevron, USA [2]
        Library of Congress, USA [12]
        Boeing [26]
        National Archives of Korea, Korea [2]
        Nokia [28]
        Renault, France [2]
        Harvard Pilgrim Health Care [1]
        Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical [1]
        Apple Inc. USA [22]
        The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), United States government [17]
        Pacific Northwest National Laboratory [1]
        U.S Department of Justice [17]
        ConocoPhillips [19]
        Metropolitan Museum of Art [1]
        U.S. Department of Agriculture [17]
        Ministry of Justice Korea (MOJ), Korea [2]
        U.S. Department of Defense [1]
        Amsterdam Museum [34]
        IEEE [34]
        Siemens AG [23]
        U.S. Department of State [17]
        Norwegian National Broadcasting services (NRK) [2]
        Pharma SURVEYOR Inc., USA [2]
        Volkswagen  [2]
        Health.Data.gov, USA [13]
        National Science Foundation, USA [33]
        Electricité de France [2]
        Citigroup [9]
        CORDIS - European Funding Database [33]
        The Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) [34]
        Kodak [9]
        Sun Microsystems, United States [2]
        Agfa Healthcare, Belgium [2]
        Oracle Corporation, United States [2]
        SEARS, USA [34]
        Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Italy [2]
        Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Korea [2]
        Elsevier B.V [2]
        Dow Jones, USA [3]
        FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, USA [17]
        CBS Interactive / CNET [16]
        Fujitsu [31]
        Huffington Post [16]
        School of Health Information Sciences, University of Texas, United States  [2]
        Eli Lilly, USA [2]
        American Chemical Society (CAS), USA [34]
        Auto Trader UK [33]
        Spanish General Council of the Judiciary, Spain [2]
        Municipality of Zaragoza, Spanish government, Spain [2]
        Italian National Research Council [34]
        Twine.com, USA [3]
        Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) [34]
        U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission [17]
        Overstock.com [7]
        China Academy of Chinese Medicine Sciences, China [2]
        O'Reilly, USA [35]
        The London Gazette, UK [34]
        The Examiner.com [7]
        Kanehisa Laboratories / University of Tokyo (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes), Japan [34]
        German National Library of Economics (ZBW), Germany [2]
        New York Times [34]
        National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control, (INRIA) France [36]
        Hungarian National Library [34]
        Bankinter, Spain [2]

    Active participants in W3C SW related groups: ILOG, HP, Agfa, SRI International, Fair Isaac Corp., Oracle, Boeing, IBM, Chevron, Siemens, Nokia, Merck, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sun, Citigroup [25]

    A list of some of the companies looking into Semantic Web technologies in 2009 can be found at the Partial List of Attending Organizations of the SemTech 2009 conference web site.

    Webnodes is currently developing Semantic Web support in the Webnodes CMS so you too can join the list above without large investments. Meanwhile we provide Schema.org structured data, OData and a relational and extensible data model layer with a clear separation between data, data model and presentation.


        [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_MediaWiki#Usage
        [2] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/sweo/public/UseCases/
        [3] http://davidjprovost.typepad.com/Semantic_Web_Industry_Review.pdf
        [4] http://www.technologyreview.com/web/37765/
        [5] http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/facebook_the_semantic_web.php
        [6] http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/w3c_pleased_with_semantic_web_adoption.php
        [7] http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/CorePresentations/Applications/
        [8] http://semanticweb.com/nlm-announces-5-winners-of-first-software-development-challenge_b24388
        [9] http://money.cnn.com/magazines/business2/business2_archive/2007/07/01/100117068/index.htm
        [10] http://semanticweb.com/cia-invests-in-semantic-search-technology_b23586
        [11] http://semanticweb.com/the-epa-explores-a-linked-data-ecosystem_b24009
        [12] http://semanticweb.com/semtechbiz-keynote-semantic-technology-at-the-library-of-congress_b21291
        [13] http://semanticweb.com/exciting-developments-at-health-data-gov_b20602
        [14] http://semanticweb.com/publishing-technology-chosen-for-united-nations-ecollection_b23922
        [15] http://semanticweb.com/going-mainstream-dell-adopts-semantic-web-technologies_b18672
        [16] http://www.opencalais.com/press-releases/opencalais-sees-commercial-adoption-seo-reader-engagement-media-monitoring-and-more
        [17] http://www.data.gov/semantic/data/alpha
        [18] http://linkeddata.future-internet.eu/images/b/be/Peristeras_From_Open_to_Linked_Government_Data.pdf
        [19] http://www.onepetro.org/mslib/servlet/onepetropreview?id=SPE-111876-MS&soc=SPE
        [20] http://semanticweb.com/semantic-web-jobs-ge-corporate_b19312
        [21] http://www.semantic-experts.com/galleries/default-file/White%20Paper%20Semantic%20Web.pdf
        [22] http://semanticweb.com/apple-buys-siri-once-again-the-back-story-is-about-semantic-web_b597
        [23] http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
        [24] http://semanticweb.com/semantic-web-jobs-ibm%E2%80%99s-smarter-cities-technology-centre_b23178
        [25] http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/CorePresentations/SemanticWeb/Slides.html#(41)
        [26] http://www.thefigtrees.net/lee/sw/sciam/semantic-web-in-action
        [27] http://consulting.talis.com/tag/astrazeneca/
        [28] http://sw.nokia.com/
        [29] http://data.worldbank.org/
        [30] http://data.gov.uk/linked-data
        [31] http://ebiquity.umbc.edu/blogger/2005/07/22/fujitsus-semantic-web-search-tool/
        [32] http://semanticweb.com/semantic-web-jobs-lockheed-martin_b22526
        [33] http://linkeddata.org/linked-data-shopping-list
        [34] http://thedatahub.org/group/lodcloud
        [35] http://wiki.goodrelations-vocabulary.org/References
        [36] http://www-sop.inria.fr/acacia/soft/corese/tutorial.php
        [37] http://www.talis.com/nodalities/pdf/nodalities_issue7.pdf

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     admin 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    补充:以上列表是根据公开材料统计的。其实有不少采纳Semantic Web技术的公司选择不公开其研发内容。



    InfoQ SOA首席编辑胡键评《RESTful Web Services中文版》

    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2012/3/17 23:40:00
     taurenshaman 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?天蝎座1983-10-29

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    Google, Yahoo,Microsoft合伙搞了个schema.org,也是词汇集的形式
    http://schema.rdfs.org/ 是OWL方面和其它数据格式的映射

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