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    发贴心情 What is CHKNTFS? [推荐]

    What is CHKNTFS?

    Most system admins are familiar with CHKDSK, the Windows NT/2000 utility used for checking the integrity of a volume. But they are often less familiar with CHKDSK's cousin, CHKNTFS.

    CHKNTFS modifies the behavior of the Autochk program, run at boot-time, to prevent CHKDSK from running automatically if Windows automatically schedules it due to an improper shutdown. If the system still has data to write to a given volume, the volume's "dirty bit" is set. The dirty bit is a flag that indicates there was still data to be written to that volume, so the presence of a set dirty bit at boot-time indicates there may have been some sort of a problem with the shutdown.

    CHKNTFS is also useful for disabling CHKDSK /F if it's been set to run on the next reboot. This is useful if you have scheduled a CHKDSK at one point, but need to reboot and don't want to deal with running CHKDSK at this time.

    CHKNTFS has these options:

    /C <volume>    Runs CHKDSK at the next reboot on the listed volume, but only if the dirty bit has been set.

    /D    Runs CHKDSK on any drives that have the "dirty" bit set at the next reboot. This basically resets CHKDSK to its default behavior.

    /X <volume>    Excludes a specified drive from boot-time checking, but only for the next reboot.

    You can specify multiple volumes in each command, such as CHKNTFS /C C: D:

    CHKNTFS works by changing the registry key BootExecute in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CURRENTCONTROLSET\CONTROL\Session Manager. The default value is a REG_MULTI_SZ value of autocheck autochk *.

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