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    >> 本版讨论Semantic Web(语义Web,语义网或语义万维网, Web 3.0)及相关理论,如:Ontology(本体,本体论), OWL(Web Ontology Langauge,Web本体语言), Description Logic(DL, 描述逻辑),RDFa,Ontology Engineering等。
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     * 贴子主题:  WWW 2010 会议论文集下载(含长文、短文、poster,以及联办的 WICOW 3 论文集) 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
       本主题类别: Ontology Engineering | RDF/RDFS | Web Services | XML文档存取技术(DOM, SAX)    
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    WWW Conference 2010 (WICOW 2010 见二楼)

    A Characterization of Online Browsing Behavior (557 KB)
    A Client-Server Architecture for State-Dependent Dynamic Visualizations on the Web (507 KB)
    A Comparison of Visual and Textual Page Previews in Judging the Helpfulness of Web Pages (3,175 KB)
    A Contextual-Bandit Approach to Personalized News Article Recommendation (676 KB)
    A Framework for Querying Graph-Based Business Process Models (451 KB)
    A Framework for Trust Establishment and Assessment on the Web of Data (563 KB)
    A Generalized Framework of Exploring Category Information for Question Retrieval in Community Question Answer Archives (441 KB)
    A Large-Scale Active Learning System for Topical Categorization on the Web (470 KB)
    A Link-based Similarity Measure for Scientific Literature (375 KB)
    A Novel Traffic Analysis for Identifying Search Fields in the Long Tail of Web Sites (561 KB)
    A Pattern Tree-based Approach to Learning URL Normalization Rules (900 KB)
    A Practical System for Harvesting and Monitoring Hot Topics on the Web (511 KB)
    A Quality-Aware Model for Sales Prediction Using Reviews (310 KB)
    A Refreshing Perspective of Search Engine Caching (3,013 KB)
    A Scalable Machine-Learning Approach for Semi-Structured Named Entity Recognition (794 KB)
    A Unified Ontology-Based Web Page Model For Improving Accessibility (3,591 KB)
    Access - News and Blog Analysis for the Social Sciences (1,026 KB)
    Actively Predicting Diverse Search Intent from User Browsing Behaviors (623 KB)
    Ad-hoc Object Retrieval in the Web of Data (594 KB)
    AdHeat - An Influence-based Diffusion Model for Propagating Hints to Match Ads (525 KB)
    Alhambra - A System for Creating, Enforcing, and Testing Browser Security Policies (548 KB)
    An Efficient Random Access Inverted Index for Information Retrieval (394 KB)
    An Information Retrieval Approach to Spelling Suggestion (263 KB)
    Analyzing Collective View of Future, Time-referenced Events on the Web (372 KB)
    Analyzing Content-Level Properties of the Web Adversphere (289 KB)
    Anonymizing User Profiles for Personalized Web Search (412 KB)
    Antourage - Mining Distance-Constrained Trips from Flickr (1,533 KB)
    Are Search Engine Users Equally Reliable1 (468 KB)
    Atomate It! End-user Context-Sensitive Automation using Heterogeneous Information Sources on the Web (1,043 KB)
    Automated Detection of Session Fixation Vulnerabilities (347 KB)
    Automated Object Persistence for JavaScript (572 KB)
    Automated Performance Assessment for Service-Oriented Middleware - a Case Study on BPEL Engines (627 KB)
    Automatic Extraction of Clickable Structured Web Contents for Name Entity Queries (781 KB)
    Autonomous Resource Provisioning for Multi-Service Web Applications (708 KB)
    Beyond Position Bias - Examining Result Attractiveness as a Source of Presentation Bias in Clickthrough Data (422 KB)
    Building Taxonomy of Web Search Intents for Name Entity Queries (1,151 KB)
    CETR - Content Extraction via Tag Ratios (675 KB)
    Caching Search Engine Results over Incremental Indices (582 KB)
    Classification-Enhanced Ranking (1,876 KB)
    Clustering Query Refinements by User Intent (2,572 KB)
    Co-optimization of Multiple Relevance Metrics in Web Search (957 KB)
    Collaborative Location and Activity Recommendations with GPS History Data (1,086 KB)
    Competing for Users' Attention - On the Interplay between Organic and Sponsored Search Results (612 KB)
    Constructing Folksonomies by Integrating Structured Metadata (735 KB)
    Constructing Travel Itineraries from Tagged Geo-Temporal Breadcrumbs (331 KB)
    Context-aware Citation Recommendation (2,775 KB)
    Context-oriented web video tag recommendation (227 KB)
    Conversion Rate Based Bid Adjustment for Sponsored Search (384 KB)
    Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification via Spectral Feature Alignment (581 KB)
    DSNotify Handling Broken Links in the Web of Data (494 KB)
    Data Summaries for On-Demand Queries over Linked Data (680 KB)
    Debugging Standard Document Formats (541 KB)
    Deep Mashup (536 KB)
    Detecting Communities from Tripartite Networks (263 KB)
    Detecting Epidemic Tendency by Mining Search Logs1 (458 KB)
    Detection and Analysis of Drive-by-Download Attacks and Malicious JavaScript Code (466 KB)
    Distributed Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Web-Scale Dyadic Data Analysis on MapReduce (744 KB)
    Distributing Private Data in Challenged Network Environments (457 KB)
    Diversifying Landmark Image Search Results by Learning Interested Views from Community Photos (1,127 KB)
    Diversifying Web Search Results (450 KB)
    Do You Want to Take Notes Identifying Research Missions in Yahoo! Search Pad (806 KB)
    Document Recommendation in Social Tagging Services (705 KB)
    Dynamic and Graphical Web Page Breakpoints (744 KB)
    Earthquake Shakes Twitter Users - Real-time Event Detection by Social Sensors (1,501 KB)
    Efficient Resource Allocation and Power Saving in Multi-Tiered Systems (278 KB)
    Efficient Web Pages Identification for Entity Resolution (475 KB)
    Empirical Comparison of Algorithms for Network Community Detection (3,362 KB)
    Enabling Entity-Based Aggregators for Web 2.0 data (402 KB)
    Enabling WebGL (174 KB)
    Enterprise and Desktop Search (297 KB)
    Entity Relation Discovery from Web Tables and Links (308 KB)
    Equip Tourists with Knowledge Mined from Travelogues (936 KB)
    Estimating The Web Robot Population (350 KB)
    Estimation of User Interest in Visited Web Page (407 KB)
    Exploiting Content Redundancy for Web Information Extraction (265 KB)
    Exploiting Information Redundancy to Wring Out Structured Data from the Web (649 KB)
    Exploiting Query Reformulations for Web Search Result Diversification (813 KB)
    Exploiting Social Context for Review Quality Prediction (455 KB)
    Exploring Searcher Interactions for Distinguishing Types of Commercial Intent (529 KB)
    Exploring Web Scale Language Models for Search Query Processing (1,053 KB)
    Exposing Audio Data to the Web - an API and Prototype (173 KB)
    Expressive Auctions for Externalities in Online Advertising (577 KB)
    Faceted Exploration of Image Search Results (7,685 KB)
    Facetedpedia - Dynamic Generation of Query-Dependent Faceted Interfaces for Wikipedia (1,116 KB)
    Factorizing Personalized Markov Chains for Next-Basket Recommendation (729 KB)
    Falconer - Once SIOC Meets Semantic Search Engine (1,471 KB)
    Fast and Paralle Webpage Layout (9,431 KB)
    Find Me If You Can - Improving Geographical Prediction with Social and Spatial Proximity (1,457 KB)
    Finding Algorithms in Scientific Articles (689 KB)
    Finding Influentials Based on the Temporal Order of Information Adoption in Twitter (470 KB)
    Fine-Grained Privilege Separation for Web Applications (706 KB)
    FormSys - Form-processing Web Services (444 KB)
    GRAPE - A System for Disambiguating and Tagging People Names in Web Search (3,707 KB)
    Generalized Distances between Rankings (1,513 KB)
    Graph-Based Concept Identification and Disambiguation for Enterprise Search (485 KB)
    HTTP Database Connector (HDBC) - RESTful Access to Relational Databases (357 KB)
    Hearsay - A New Generation Context-Driven Multi-Modal Assistive Web Browser (1,219 KB)
    Hierarchical Cluster Visualization in Web Mapping Systems (1,154 KB)
    Hierarchical Feature Selection for Ranking (365 KB)
    Highlighting Disputed Claims on the Web (1,178 KB)
    How Accurately Can One's Interests Be Inferred From Friends (372 KB)
    How Google Analytics and Conventional Cookie Tracking Techniques Overestimate Unique Visitors (423 KB)
    How Much Is Your Personal Recommendation Worth (298 KB)
    How Useful are Your Comments Analyzing and Predicting YouTube Comments and Comment Ratings (702 KB)
    How to Consume Linked Data on the Web (286 KB)
    IBMs Jazz Integration Architecture - Building a Tools Integration Architecture and Community Inspired by the Web (137 KB)
    INEX+DBPEDIA - A Corpus for Semantic Search Evaluation (257 KB)
    Identifying Featured Articles in Wikipedia (258 KB)
    Implementing the Media Fragments URI Specification (128 KB)
    Inferring Query Intent from Reformulations and Clicks (389 KB)
    Inferring Relevant Social Networks from Interpersonal Communication (759 KB)
    Intelligent Ad Resizing (319 KB)
    Interactive Image Search by 2D Semantic Map (2,259 KB)
    Introduction to Social Recommendation (222 KB)
    Keyword Extraction for Social Snippets (310 KB)
    Keyword Search Over Key-Value Stores (276 KB)
    LCA-based Selection for XML Document Collections (820 KB)
    LINKREC - A Unified Framework for Link Recommendation with User Attributes and Graph Structure (257 KB)
    Large-scale Bot Detection for Search Engines (531 KB)
    Learning Based Access Control in Online Social Networks (306 KB)
    Learning to Evaluate the Visual Quality of Web Pages (245 KB)
    Linking Content in Unstructured Sources (232 KB)
    Liquid Query - Multi-Domain Exploratory Search on the Web (1,560 KB)
    Live Web Search Experiments for the Rest of Us (461 KB)
    Malicious Interface Design - Exploiting the User (504 KB)
    Matrix 'Bit'loaded - A Scalable Lightweight Join Query Processor for RDF Data (500 KB)
    Max-Cover in Map-Reduce (1,763 KB)
    Measurement and Analysis of an Online Content Voting Network - A Case Study of Digg (2,919 KB)
    Measurement-calibrated Graph Models for Social Network Experiments (2,152 KB)
    Measuring The Web Crawler Ethics (363 KB)
    Message from the Chair of IW3C2 (416 KB)
    Message from the General Chairs (380 KB)
    Message from the Program Chairs (327 KB)
    Mind the Data Skew - Distributed Inferencing by Speeddating in Elastic Regions (444 KB)
    MindFinder - Image Search by Interactive Sketching and Tagging (761 KB)
    Mining Advertiser-specific User Behavior Using Adfactors (691 KB)
    Modeling Relationship Strength in Online Social Networks (529 KB)
    Money, Glory and Cheap Talk - Analyzing Strategic Behavior of Contestants in Simultaneous Crowdsourcing Contests on TopCoder (744 KB)
    Monitoring Algorithms for Negative Feedback Systems (692 KB)
    Multi-modality in One-class Classification (1,408 KB)
    Navigational Complexity in Web Interactions (444 KB)
    New-Web Search with Microblog Annotations (907 KB)
    Not So Creepy Crawler - Easy Crawler Generation with Standard XML Queries (1,143 KB)
    Object Views - Fine-Grained Sharing in Browsers (795 KB)
    On the High Density of Leadership Nuclei in Endorsement Social Networks (276 KB)
    Optimal Rare Query Suggestion With Implicit User Feedback (1,822 KB)
    Optimizing Two-Stage Bigram Language Models for IR (336 KB)
    Optimizing User Interaction for Web-based Mobile Tasks (522 KB)
    PageSense - Style-wise Web Page Advertising (527 KB)
    Patch-Based Skin Color Detection and Its Application to Pornography Image Filtering (1,379 KB)
    Predicting Positive and Negative Links in Online Social Networks (494 KB)
    Privacy In Dynamic Social Networks (307 KB)
    Privacy Wizards for Social Networking Sites (1,056 KB)
    Protecting Data in Multi-Stakeholder Web Service Systems (470 KB)
    Protocol-Aware Matching of Web Service Interfaces for Adapter Development (626 KB)
    Pusic - Musicalize Microblog Messages for Summarization and Exploration (290 KB)
    Query Parsing in Mobile Voice Search (311 KB)
    QuickSuggest - Character Prediction on Web Appliances (568 KB)
    RDF Compression - Basic Approaches (379 KB)
    RESTful Web Services - Principles, Patterns, Emerging Technologies (341 KB)
    RESTler - Crawling RESTful Services (785 KB)
    Randomization Tests for Distinguishing Social Influence and Homophily Effects (640 KB)
    RankCompete - Simultaneous Ranking and Clustering of Web Photos (318 KB)
    Ranking Specialization for Web Search - A Divide-and-Conquer Approach by Using Topical RankSVM (565 KB)
    Rants - A Framework for Rank Editing and Sharing in Web Search (318 KB)
    Redundancy Detection in Service-Oriented Systems (489 KB)
    Regular Expressions Considered Harmful in Client-Side XSS Filters (925 KB)
    Reining in the Web with Content Security Policy (402 KB)
    Relational Duality - Unsupervised Extraction of Semantic Relations between Entities on the Web (524 KB)
    RerankEverything - A Reranking Interface for Browsing Search Results (4,290 KB)
    Research Trails - Getting Back Where You Left Off (1,366 KB)
    Retagging Social Images Based on Visual and Semantic Consistency (293 KB)
    Review Recommendation with Graphical Model and EM Algorithm (352 KB)
    SNDocRank - Document Ranking Based on Social Networks (375 KB)
    Sampling Community Structure (468 KB)
    Sampling High-Quality Clicks from Noisy Click Data (539 KB)
    Scalable Discovery of Contradictions on the Web (347 KB)
    Scalable Techniques for Document Identifier Assignment in Inverted Indexes (465 KB)
    Search is Dead! Long Live Search (305 KB)
    Selecting Skyline Services for QoS-based Web Service Composition (1,106 KB)
    Selective Recrawling for Object-Level Vertical Search (274 KB)
    Selectivity Estimation for SPARQL Graph Pattern (274 KB)
    Semantic Lexicon Adaptation for Use in Query Interpretation (271 KB)
    Shout Out - Integrating News and Reader Comments (407 KB)
    Sig.ma - Live Views on the Web of Data (599 KB)
    Situation Detection and Control using Spatio-temporal Analysis of Microblogs (839 KB)
    Sketcha - A Captcha Based on Line Drawings of 3D Models (1,064 KB)
    Smart Caching for Web Browsers (564 KB)
    Social Group Suggestion from User Image Collections (544 KB)
    SourceRank - Relevance and Trust Assessment for Deep Web Sources Based on Inter-Source Agreement (352 KB)
    Statistical Models of Music-listening Sessions in Social Media (582 KB)
    Stochastic Models for Tabbed Browsing (902 KB)
    Stop Thinking, Start Tagging - Tag Semantics Emerge from Collaborative Verbosity (535 KB)
    Structural Analysis of the Emerging Event-web (885 KB)
    Structure-aware music resizing using lyrics (276 KB)
    Structured Audio Podcasts via Web Text-to-Speech System (507 KB)
    Study Language Models with Specific User Goals (512 KB)
    Sync Kit - A Persistent Client-Side Database Caching Toolkit for Data Intensive Websites (510 KB)
    TWC Data-Gov Corpus - Incrementally Generating Linked Government Data from Data (1,810 KB)
    Tagging and Navigability (327 KB)
    Talking about Data - Sharing Richly Structured Information through Blogs and Wikis (435 KB)
    The 'Map Trap' An Evaluation of Map Versus Text-based Interfaces for Location-based Mobile Search Services (942 KB)
    The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Social Search Engine (910 KB)
    The Anatomy of an Ad - Structured Indexing and Retrieval for Sponsored Search (718 KB)
    The Paths More Taken - Matching DOM Trees to Search Logs for Accurate Webpage Clustering (954 KB)
    The Social Honeypot Project - Protecting Online Communities from Spammers (2,961 KB)
    The Spoken Web - Software Development and Programming through Voice (71 KB)
    The Utility of Tweeted URLs for Web Search (235 KB)
    Time is of the Essence - Improving Recency Ranking Using Twitter Data (452 KB)
    Topic Initiator Detection on the World Wide Web (601 KB)
    Towards Comment-based Cross-Media Retrieval (251 KB)
    Towards Natural Question-Guided Search (894 KB)
    Towards Rich Query Interpretation - Walking Back and Forth for Mining Query Templates (1,046 KB)
    Tracking the Random Surfer - Empirically Measured Teleportation Parameters in PageRank (719 KB)
    Transfer Learning for Behavioral Targeting (491 KB)
    Trend Detection Model (318 KB)
    Tutorial - Optimal Marketing and Pricing in Social Networks (282 KB)
    Unlocking the Semantics of Multimedia Presentations in the Web with the Multimedia Metadata Ontology (2,260 KB)
    Unsupervised Query Segmentation Using Click Data - Preliminary Results (459 KB)
    Using Landing Pages for Sponsored Search Ad Selection (605 KB)
    Using a Model of Social Dynamics to Predict Popularity of News (830 KB)
    Video Search - Are Algorithms All We Need (354 KB)
    Visual Structure-based Web Page Clustering and Retrieval (825 KB)
    Visualizing Differences in Web Search Algorithms Using the Expected Weighted Hoeffding Distance (829 KB)
    Volunteer Computing - A Model of the Factors Determining Contribution to Community-based Scientific Research (614 KB)
    Web Search Engine Metrics (353 KB)
    Web Search-Browse Log Mining - Challenges, Methods, and Applications (300 KB)
    Web-Scale K-Means Clustering (282 KB)
    Web-Scale Knowledge Extraction from Semi-Structured Tables (1,446 KB)
    Web-based Framework for Spatiotemporal Screen Real Estate Management of Interactive Public Displays (1,016 KB)
    What You See Is What You Search - Adaptive Visual Search Framework for the Web (947 KB)
    What are the Most Eye-catching and Ear-catching Features in the Video Implications for Video Summarization (627 KB)
    What is Twitter, a Social Network or a News Media (3,016 KB)
    What the Web Can't Do (290 KB)
    Yet Another Paper Ranking Algorithm Advocating Recent Publications (735 KB)
    ZoomRDF - Semantic Fisheye Zooming on RDF Data (418 KB)
    b-Bit Minwise Hashing (809 KB)
    eduKEN - A Tool for Fine-grained Video Comment Collection and Analysis (850 KB)
    for large, indoor environments (615 KB)
    iRIN - Image Retrieval in Image-Rich Information Networks (644 KB)
    ourSpaces - Linking Provenance and Social Data in a Virtual Research Environment (4,462 KB)
    useKit - A Step towards the Executable Web 3.0 (335 KB)
    visKWQL, a Visual Renderer for a Semantic Web Query Language (438 KB)

    [此贴子已经被作者于2011-1-3 22:25:27编辑过]

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    InfoQ SOA首席编辑胡键评《RESTful Web Services中文版》

    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2011/1/3 21:32:00
     admin 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    WICOW 2010 论文集

    Detecting Wikipedia Vandalism with Active Learning and Statistical Language Models (540 KB)
    Identifying Spam Link Generators for Monitoring Emerging Web Spam (5,625 KB)
    Modulating Video Credibility via Visualization of Quality Evaluations (959 KB)
    On Measuring the Quality of Wikipedia Articles (594 KB)
    Smart Marketing or Bait & Switch Competitors' Brands as Keywords in Online Advertising (498 KB)
    SpotRank - A Robust Voting System for Social News Websites (2,876 KB)
    The Credibility of Digital Identity Information on the Social Web - A User Study (674 KB)
    TIME A Method of Detecting the Dynamic Variances of Trust (352 KB)
    Trust in Wikipedia - How Users Trust Information from an Unknown Source (436 KB)
    Understanding Credibility across Disciplinary Boundaries (353 KB)
    What is Disputed on the Web (486 KB)



    InfoQ SOA首席编辑胡键评《RESTful Web Services中文版》

    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2011/1/3 21:32:00
     zhoucqucs 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2011/1/3 21:43:00
     zhoucqucs 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?

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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2011/1/3 21:45:00
     yanpingli 美女呀,离线,快来找我吧!

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    Thank you!!
    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2011/1/3 22:05:00
    给Google AdSense发送一个短消息 把Google AdSense加入好友 查看Google AdSense的个人资料 搜索Google AdSense在『 Semantic Web(语义Web)/描述逻辑/本体 』的所有贴子 访问Google AdSense的主页 引用回复这个贴子 回复这个贴子 查看Google AdSense的博客广告
    2024/10/18 7:13:44

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