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    >> 本版讨论Semantic Web(语义Web,语义网或语义万维网, Web 3.0)及相关理论,如:Ontology(本体,本体论), OWL(Web Ontology Langauge,Web本体语言), Description Logic(DL, 描述逻辑),RDFa,Ontology Engineering等。
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    一日一段 -0712

    5.3 Interpreting RDF Schema Declarations

    As noted earlier, the RDF Schema type system is similar in some respects to the type systems of object-oriented programming languages such as Java. However, RDF differs from most programming language type systems in several important respects.
    正如前所述,RDF Schema的类型系统和面向对象编程语言,如Java的类型系统很相似,然而,RDF和大部分程序设计语言的类型系统在几个重要的方面有区别:

    One important difference is that instead of describing a class as having a collection of specific properties, an RDF schema describes properties as applying to specific classes of resources, using domain and range properties. For example, a typical object-oriented programming language might define a class Book with an attribute called author having values of type Person. A corresponding RDF schema would describe a class ex:Book, and, in a separate description, a property ex:author having a domain of ex:Book and a range of ex:Person.
    一个重要的区别是:RDF Schema中的属性可以通过定义域和值域属性作用于特定的类,而不是(像面向对象类型系统)把类描述为具有一些特定属性的集合。例如:在一个典型的面向对象编程语言中,类 Book会定义为有一个属性author,且author的类型是Person,而在RDF Schema中,类ex:Book和属性ex:author都会被分开定义,另外,属性ex:author的定义域是ex:Book,值域是ex:Person。

    The difference between these approaches may seem to be only syntactic, but in fact there is an important difference. In the programming language class description, the attribute author is part of the description of class Book, and applies only to instances of class Book. Another class (say, softwareModule) might also have an attribute called author, but this would be considered a different attribute. In other words, the scope of an attribute description in most programming languages is restricted to the class or type in which it is defined. In RDF, on the other hand, property descriptions are, by default, independent of class definitions, and have, by default, global scope (although they may optionally be declared to apply only to certain classes using domain specifications).
    这两种定义方法的区别表面上看起来只是语法层次上的,其实,他们有重大的区别。在程序语言中,属性author是关于类Book的描述的一部分,且只能应用于类Book的实例,如果另外一个类,例如SoftwareModule也有个属性author,但这两个author属性被看成是不同的属性,因为在大多数编程语言中,属性的作用域是定义这个属性的类或类型(Type). 而在RDF中,缺省地,关于属性的描述是独立与关于类的描述的,而且属性的作用域是全局的(尽管可能通过定义定义域而只能应用于某些类)。

    As a result, an RDF schema could describe a property exterms:weight without a domain being specified. This property could then be used to describe instances of any class that might be considered to have a weight. One benefit of the RDF property-based approach is that it becomes easier to extend the use of property definitions to situations that might not have been anticipated in the original description. At the same time, this is a "benefit" which must be used with care, to insure that properties are not mis-applied in inappropriate situations.
    一个结果是:RDF Schema可以描述一个不指定定义域的属性,如exterms:weight,这个属性可以用来描述任何具有重量(weight)属性的类的实例。RDF的以属性为中心的方法的一个好处是:扩展属性的用途使其应用于最初定义时未预知的情形更为容易。同时,这个“好处”也要谨慎使用,以免属性错误应用于不恰当的情形。

    Another result of the global scope of RDF property descriptions is that it is not possible in an RDF schema to define a specific property as having locally-different ranges depending on the class of the resource it is applied to. For example, in defining the property ex:hasParent, it would be desirable to be able to say that if the property is used to describe a resource of class ex:Human, then the range of the property is also a resource of class ex:Human, while if the property is used to describe a resource of class ex:Tiger, then the range of the property is also a resource of class ex:Tiger. This kind of definition is not possible in RDF Schema. Instead, any range defined for an RDF property applies to all uses of the property, and so ranges should be defined with care. However, while such locally-different ranges cannot be defined in RDF Schema, they can be defined in some of the richer schema languages discussed in Section 5.5.
    RDF属性的全局作用域的另外一个结果是:无法在RDF Schema中定义一个属性根据其描述的类(即定义域)具有不同的值域。例如,在定义属性ex:hasParent使,如果这个属性用于描述类ex:Human,则这个属性的值域是ex:Human;如果这个属性用于描述类ex:Tiger,则这个属性的值域是ex:Tiger,这样定义属性显然更为合适。但这种定义方法无法在RDF Schema中实现,RDF属性的值域是作用于任意对这个属性的应用,因此,定义值域的时候要谨慎。然而,虽然这种局部不同的属性值域不能在RDF Schema定义,但可以在Section 5.5.中讨论的表达能力更强的模式语言中定义.

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    希望能帮上忙,暑假期间,不太忙,对 RDF有一定了解



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    每天少看半小时新闻,少聊 半个小时的天,每天好好翻译一段RDF Primer. 坚持一个月。

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    5. Defining RDF Vocabularies: RDF Schema

    RDF provides a way to express simple statements about resources, using named properties and values. However, RDF user communities also need the ability to define the vocabularies (terms) they intend to use in those statements, specifically, to indicate that they are describing specific kinds or classes of resources, and will use specific properties in describing those resources.


    For example, the company example.com from the examples in Section 3.2 would want to describe classes such as exterms:Tent, and use properties such as exterms:model, exterms:weightInKg, and exterms:packedSize to describe them (QNames with various "example" namespace prefixes are used as the names of classes and properties here as a reminder that in RDF these names are actually URI references, as discussed in Section 2.1).

    例如,3.2节所举例子中,example.com 公司想要描述一个类:exterms:Tent,并且使用特性 exterms:model,exterms:weightInKg 和 exterms:packedSize来描述它们。(这些类和特性的名字之前带有各种“example”名称空间前缀,表明:在RDF中,这些名字其实都是RUI引用,2.1小节中已经讨论过这个问题)。

    Similarly, people interested in describing bibliographic resources would want to describe classes such as ex2:Book or ex2:MagazineArticle, and use properties such as ex2:author, ex2:title, and ex2:subject to describe them. Other applications might need to describe classes such as ex3:Person and ex3:Company, and properties such as ex3:age, ex3:jobTitle, ex3:stockSymbol, and ex3:numberOfEmployees.

    类似的情况,那些对图书资源比较感兴趣的RDF开发人员可能会描述 ex2:Book或者ex2:MagazineArtical这样的类,并使用ex2:author, ex2:title ,ex2:subject之类的特性来描述这些类。其它的一些应用可能会描述诸如ex3:Person、ex3:Company 这样的类和ex3:age 、ex3:jobTitle、ex3:stockSymbol 、ex3:numberofEmployee之类的一些特性。

    RDF itself provides no means for defining such application-specific classes and properties. Instead, such classes and properties are described as an RDF vocabulary, using extensions to RDF provided by the RDF Vocabulary Description Language 1.0: RDF Schema [RDF-VOCABULARY], referred to here as RDF Schema.

    RDF本身并不能针对特定应用需求来定义一些类和特性。这些类和特性被称为RDF词汇,它们需要通过RDF词汇描述语言:RDF Schema(RDF的一种扩展语言) 来定义。

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    这个"intened use"怎么翻译,比较好些? 谢谢

    5.4 Other Schema Information

    As with a number of the built-in RDF properties such as rdf:value, the uses described for these RDF Schema properties are only their intended uses. [RDF-SEMANTICS] defines no special meanings for these properties, and RDF Schema does not define any constraints based on these intended uses. For example, there is no constraint specified that the object of a rdfs:seeAlso property must provide additional information about the subject of the statement in which it appears.

    对于其他内嵌的RDF属性,如rdf:value, 他们的用途就是本来用途(intended use),文档[RDF-SEMANTICS]对这些属性没有定义特定的语义,RDF Schmea也没有基于他们的本来用途定义任何的约束。例如,没有约束限制属性rdfs:seeAlso的客体必须为它所在的陈述的主体提供额外的信息。

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    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2004/7/13 10:25:00
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    intended uses 译成“设计用途”怎么样?

    参见 :http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-mt-20040210/
    文中:3.3.4 rdf:value
    The intended use for rdf:value is explained intuitively in the RDF Primer document [RDF-PRIMER]. It is typically used to identify a 'primary' or 'main' value of a property which has several values, or has as its value a complex entity with several facets or properties of its own.

    Since the range of possible uses for rdf:value is so wide, it is difficult to give a precise statement which covers all the intended meanings or use cases. Users are cautioned, therefore, that the meaning of rdf:value may vary from application to application. In practice, the intended meaning is often clear from the context, but may be lost when graphs are merged or when conclusions are inferred.

    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2004/7/13 11:07:00
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    以下是引用trevol在2004-7-13 11:07:34的发言:
    intended uses 译成“设计用途”怎么样?

    参见 :http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-rdf-mt-20040210/
    文中:3.3.4 rdf:value
    The intended use for rdf:value is explained intuitively in the RDF Primer document [RDF-PRIMER]. It is typically used to identify a 'primary' or 'main' value of a property which has several values, or has as its value a complex entity with several facets or properties of its own.

    Since the range of possible uses for rdf:value is so wide, it is difficult to give a precise statement which covers all the intended meanings or use cases. Users are cautioned, therefore, that the meaning of rdf:value may vary from application to application. In practice, the intended meaning is often clear from the context, but may be lost when graphs are merged or when conclusions are inferred.

    Semantic Web is a dream; Semantic Web technology is 
    the reality.
    Weblog: http://blog.w3china.org/~orangebench/

    点击查看用户来源及管理<br>发贴IP:*.*.*.* 2004/7/13 11:27:00
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    一日一段 -0713

    Another important difference is that RDF Schema descriptions are not necessarily prescriptive in the way programming language type declarations typically are. For example, if a programming language declares a class Book with an author attribute having values of type Person, this is usually interpreted as a group of constraints. The language will not allow the creation of an instance of Book without an author attribute, and it will not allow an instance of Book with an author attribute that does not have a Person as its value. Moreover, if author is the only attribute defined for class Book, the language will not allow an instance of Book with some other attribute.

    另外一个重要的区别是:RDF Schema的描述不一定像程序语言类型声明那样是规约性的(prescriptive).例如,如果在程序语言中,类 Book定义为有一个属性author,且author的类型是Person,这常会解释为一些约束。这个语言不会允许Book的一个实例没有author属性,也不会允许Book的一个实例的book属性值的类型不是Person。更为重要的是,如果author的定义为类Book的唯一属性,这个语言不会允许Book的实例具有其他的属性。

    RDF Schema, on the other hand, provides schema information as additional descriptions of resources, but does not prescribe how these descriptions should be used by an application. For example, suppose an RDF schema states that an ex:author property has an rdfs:range of class ex:Person. This is simply an RDF statement that RDF statements containing ex:author properties have instances of ex:Person as objects.

    相反,RDF Schem提供的模式信息是作为对资源的额外描述(descriptions),并不会限制这些描述怎样被用于一个应用。例如,假设一个RDF Schema中定义了属性ex:author的值域(rdfs:range)是ex:Person,这仅仅是一个简单的RDF陈述: 谓词是ex:author的陈述的客体是类ex:Person的实例。

    This schema-supplied information might be used in different ways. One application might interpret this statement as specifying part of a template for RDF data it is creating, and use it to ensure that any ex:author property has a value of the indicated (ex:Person) class. That is, this application interprets the schema description as a constraint in the same way that a programming language might. However, another application might interpret this statement as providing additional information about data it is receiving, information which may not be provided explicitly in the original data. For example, this second application might receive some RDF data that includes an ex:author property whose value is a resource of unspecified class, and use this schema-provided statement to conclude that the resource must be an instance of class ex:Person. A third application might receive some RDF data that includes an ex:author property whose value is a resource of class ex:Corporation, and use this schema information as the basis of a warning that "there may be an inconsistency here, but on the other hand there may not be". Somewhere else there may be a declaration that resolves the apparent inconsistency (e.g., a declaration to the effect that "a Corporation is a (legal) Person").

    这个Schema提供的信息可能以多种方式得到利用。一个应用可能把这个陈述解释为创建RDF数据的模板的一部分,且用它来限制任意ex:author的值都是ex:Person的实例。也就是说,这个应用和程序语言一样,把模式信息解释为约束(constraint). 然而,另外一个应用可能把这个陈述解释为获取的数据的额外信息,这个信息并没有在原数据中显式表示。例如,第二个应用可能收到一些RDF数据,这些数据包含了一个值为未知类型的ex:author属性,则可以利用RDF Schema中的那个陈述推导出这个ex:author属性的值是类ex:Person的实例。 第三个应用可能收到一些RDF数据, 这些数据包含了一个值为ex:Corporation的实例的ex:author属性,利用RDF Schema的信息,可以发出警告:“数据可能不一致,也可能不是”。在其他地方,可能存在一个声明消除了这个数据不一致性(例如,声明一个“Corporation”也是一个“Person”)。

    Moreover, depending on how the application interprets the property descriptions, a description of an instance might be considered valid either without some of the schema-specified properties (e.g., there might be an instance of ex:Book without an ex:author property, even if ex:author is described as having a domain of ex:Book), or with additional properties (there might be an instance of ex:Book with an ex:technicalEditor property, even though the schema describing class ex:Book does not describe such a property).

    此外,根据应用解释属性描述的方式,一个实例可以被认为是合法的,即使没有RDF Schema指定的属性(如,可能有一些ex:Book的实例没有ex:author属性,即使ex:author的定义域为ex:Book),或者具有其他的属性(如,可能有一些ex:Book的实例具有ex:technicalEditor属性,即使描述ex:Book的Schema没有对这个属性的描述)。

    In other words, statements in an RDF schema are always descriptions. They may also be prescriptive (introduce constraints), but only if the application interpreting those statements wants to treat them that way. All RDF Schema does is provide a way of stating this additional information. Whether this information conflicts with explicitly specified instance data is up to the application to determine and act upon.

    换句话说,RDF Schema中的陈述通常是描述(descriptions),他们可能是规约性的,但只有当应用这样解释时。RDF Schema做的事情时提供额外的信息。这些信息是否和显式指定的实例数据有冲突,取决于具体的应用。

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    property 翻译为特性 还是 属性?请统一

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