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     hongjunli 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?魔羯座1978-1-20
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    发贴心情 [分享]EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework, 2nd Edition. pdf

    EMF: Eclipse Modeling Framework, 2nd Edition


        * By Dave Steinberg, Frank Budinsky, Marcelo Paternostro, Ed Merks
        * Published Dec 16, 2008 by Addison-Wesley Professional. Part of the Eclipse Series series.
              o Copyright 2009
              o Dimensions: 7x9-1/4
              o Pages: 744
              o Edition: 2nd
              o Book
              o ISBN-10: 0-321-33188-5
              o ISBN-13: 978-0-321-33188-5

    The Authoritative Guide to EMF Modeling and Code Generation

    The Eclipse Modeling Framework enables developers to rapidly construct robust applications based on surprisingly simple models. Now, in this thoroughly revised Second Edition, the project’s developers offer expert guidance, insight, and examples for solving real-world problems with EMF, accelerating development processes, and improving software quality.

    This edition contains more than 40% new material, plus updates throughout to make it even more useful and practical. The authors illuminate the key concepts and techniques of EMF modeling, analyze EMF’s most important framework classes and generator patterns, guide you through choosing optimal designs, and introduce powerful framework customizations and programming techniques. Coverage includes

                          Defining models with Java, UML, XML Schema, and Ecore

                         NEW: Using extended Ecore modeling to fully unify XML with UML and Java

                         Generating high-quality code to implement models and editors

                          Understanding and customizing generated code

                         Complete documentation of @model Javadoc tags, generator model properties, and resource save and load options

                         NEW: Leveraging the latest EMF features, including extended metadata, feature maps, EStore, cross-reference adapters, copiers, and content types

                          NEW: Chapters on change recording, validation, and utilizing EMF in stand-alone and Eclipse RCP applications

                        NEW: Modeling generics with Ecore and generating Java 5 code

    About the Authors

    Dave Steinberg is a software developer in IBM Software Group. He has worked with Eclipse and modeling technologies since joining the company, and has been a committer on the EMF project since its debut in 2002.

    Frank Budinsky, a senior architect in IBM Software Group, is an original coinventor of EMF and a founding member of the EMF project at Eclipse. He is currently cochair of the Service Data Objects (SDO) specification technical committee at OASIS and lead SDO architect for IBM.

    Marcelo Paternostro is a software architect and engineer in IBM Software Group. He is an EMF committer and has been an active contributor to several other Eclipse projects. Before joining IBM, Marcelo managed, designed, and implemented numerous projects using Rational's tools and processes.

    Ed Merks is the project lead of EMF and a colead of the top-level Modeling project at Eclipse. He holds a Ph.D. in Computing Science and has many years of in-depth experience in the design and implementation of languages, frameworks, and application development environments. Ed works as a software consultant in partnership with itemis AG.


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     Humphrey 帅哥哟,离线,有人找我吗?狮子座1981-7-23

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