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    发贴心情 PhD Scholarships - Service Systems Engineering, Software Engineering Group – City University, London

    PhD Scholarships

    Service Systems Engineering
    Software Engineering Group – City University, London
    Duration: 3 years
    Starting date: 1st October 2008
    Annual Bursary: £ 13,500
    Closing Date of Application: 22nd August 2008

    Applicants are invited for two full-time PhD scholarships at the Software Engineering Group at the Department of Computing, City University, London
    (http://www.soi.city.ac.uk/~gespan/sw_group.html) to conduct research in the area of Service Systems Engineering, with particular focus on service monitoring, service discovery, and service level agreement negotiation. The scholarships will be funded by the EU Network of Excellence S-Cube – The Software Services and Systems Network

    The scholarships are available to both UK/EU and overseas fee-paying students and are only open for applicants that will be studying full-time. The scholarships are available for the period of three years starting in 1st October 2008 and include a bursary of £13,500 per annum in addition to a full tuition fee waiver. Bursaries will be updated in line with inflation in subsequent years.

    The ideal candidate will have a BSc degree in Computing, or in a numerate subject with substantial component in computing or equivalent related professional experience, and a MSc in Computer Science. Candidates should (a) have research excellence or demonstrable potential, (b) be able to work as a member of a research team, (c) have strong technical skills and programming experience in Java, (d) have excellent communication and reporting skills, and (e) evidence of proficiency in English.

    The appointed candidates are expected to carry out PhD studies in the field of Service Systems Engineering in line with the work programme for City University in the EU S-Cube Network of Excellence, and to collaborate with other partners of the project and members of the School of Informatics as required by the needs of S-Cube.

    Applications should include a research degree application that is available from http://www.city.ac.uk/research/resdegrees/dps/forms/PhDApplicationFormGENERAL.doc,
    a full CV including publication details and grades of previous qualifications, and names and contact details of two referees. The applications should be sent to Mr Mark Firman either electronically to m.firman@soi city.ac.uk or by post to Mr Mark Firman, School of Informatics, City University, London EC1V 0HB, UK. The closing date of the application is 22nd of August 2008.

    Additional general information about PhD degree at City University can be found on the Research Studies web page (http://www.city.ac.uk/researchstudies/index.html).
    Informal enquires about the scholarships should be addressed to

    Dr Andrea Zisman
    School of Informatics
    City University
    London EC1V 0HB

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