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    >> 本版讨论Semantic Web(语义Web,语义网或语义万维网, Web 3.0)及相关理论,如:Ontology(本体,本体论), OWL(Web Ontology Langauge,Web本体语言), Description Logic(DL, 描述逻辑),RDFa,Ontology Engineering等。
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     * 贴子主题: 征集论文:The First International Workshop on Advanced Reasoning Technology (ART) for e-Science 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
       本主题类别: Semantic Web    
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    发贴心情 征集论文:The First International Workshop on Advanced Reasoning Technology (ART) for e-Science

    The First International Workshop on Advanced Reasoning Technology (ART) for e-Science
             November 28, 2012, Paphos, Cyprus (http://wasp.cs.vu.nl/art2012/)
    Collocated with the 13th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering (WISE2012)


    Reasoning and inference about semantically annotated data is a key technology for any future application aiming at exploring digital information. The ART2012 workshop is a reaction on the novel challenges of the Semantic Web, which the modern information mining and reasoning technology face with. Among those challenges are size, completeness, closeness, trustworthiness, consistence, coherence, and dynamic nature of the explored data. The workshop will elaborate a strategy and a roadmap for the traditional reasoning approaches such as complete and deductive reasoning to be advanced by the novel techniques such as automated and streaming reasoning in order to get a dominating position on the Intelligent Information Management system market, leveraging the on-demand infrastructures such as high performance computing and Cloud.

    The ART workshop invites submissions that address world-class research and development and highlight innovative and emerging systems, methods, and technologies in Semantic Web Reasoning. The workshop explores the latest and most innovative work in the following topics:

    -> scalable reasoning for the Web
    -> automated reasoning
    -> web scale querying and searching
    -> reasoning with inconsistent ontologies
    -> temporal and spatial reasoning in the Semantic Web
    -> abduction reasoning in the Semantic Web
    -> stream reasoning in the Semantic Web
    -> efficient storage of structured data that scale to a very large size
    -> reasoning with large, expressive or distributed ontologies
    -> distribution and parallelization for semantic reasoning
    -> cognitively-inspired approaches to deal with large and dynamic information
    -> implementation and evaluation of scalable and dynamic reasoners
    -> applications of reasoning on large and dynamic datasets

    Key dates
    Full Paper Submission Deadline: September 3, 2012.
    Acceptance notification: October 8, 2012.
    Camera ready: October 24, 2012.
    Workshop Full-day: November 28, 2012.

    Venue information
    The workshop will take place in Paphos, Cyprus, November 28, 2012,  http://wasp.cs.vu.nl/art2012/.
    The workshop is collocated with the WISE2012 conference,  http://www.wise2012.cs.ucy.ac.cy/.

    Submission Guidelines
    The workshop invites full papers (up to 12 pages) as well as short papers (up to 5 pages).
    Submissions should be formatted according to the Lecture Notes in Computer Science guidelines
    for proceedings available at http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-7-72376-0.
    Papers should be submitted in the PDF format.

    Submission performs via the Easy Chair system set up at http://www.easychair.org/conferences?conf=art2012

    Proceedings of the workshop will be published online. All papers presented at the workshop will be invited
    to be revised and extended for a second peer-review process to be published by Springer in the Lecturer Notes
    in Computer Science series.

    Workshop Chairs
        Alexey Cheptsov, High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), Universitat Stuttgart, Germany
        Jeff Pan, University of Aberdeen, UK
        Zhisheng Huang, Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    Program Committee

        Stefan Wesner, High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart, Germany
        Marko Grobelnik, Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia
        Volker Tresp, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
        Michael Witbrock, Cycorp, USA
        Dongmo Zhang, University of Western Sydney, Australia
        Frank van Harmelen, Vrije University Amsterdam, the Netherlands
        Kewen Wang, Griffith University, Australia
        Guilin Qi, Southeast University, China
        Grigoris Antoniou, University of Huddersfield, Greece
        Jianfeng Du, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, China
        (More to be added soon.)

    Dr. Alexey Cheptsov, email: cheptsov<add>hlrs.de, tel.: +49-711-68560470

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