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    >> 2011亚太语义互联网会议ASWC2011和第五届中国语义互联网研讨会CSWC2011, 将于12月4-6号在杭州召开
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    You are strongly encouraged to read the following important notes before starting the registration process:

        1.Each paper MUST have at least one Full Registration.

        2.VERY IMPORTANT!!!: Please include a note on your bank transfer indicating the conference name “JIST”, your name, and your paper ID (if there is) (Please check your paper ID on the “Accepted Papers” page). A typical note format example could be “JIST , Huajun Chen, Paper23”.  Otherwise, we will not be able to receive your money safely.

        3.After the bank transfer is complete, PLEASE send the scanned bank transfer receipt to Meng Jia (jianjian0828@zju.edu.cn ) by email with your name, your paper ID (if there is), and your mailing address (if you want a print copy of the proceedings).  We will confirm your payment based on your scanned receipt.

        4.The registration fee does not include print copy of springer proceeding, if you want a print copy, you need to pay extra fee RMB 600 (EUR67, USD94) including shipment. We can not distribute the print copy because of time limit. If you pay it in the registration fee, we will mail it after the conference.

        5.For authors from Mainland of China: 在交纳注册费之后,请务必将扫描的转账回执单发到邮箱 jianjian0828@zju.edu.cn,并且注明文章ID、作者等。此外,请写清楚有关开具发票的信息,如单位名称等,否则将无法在开会时拿到发票。

        6.We encourage students participating with a very big discount (only RMB800), and it includes all of the same things as a full registration.

    Full Registration:

           Full registration means: each accepted paper (both student and  non-student, both full paper and short paper) MUST have at least one full registration, and for those non-students who want to attend the conference. The full registration fee is RMB¥3000 (USD$472, EUR333).  The fee includes:

    A U-Stick that contains the proceeding.

    Access to all conference sessions and tutorials.

    Lunch, coffee breaks, banquet and reception.

    Program brochure and conference goodies (e.g., bags/paper/pens)

            The deadline for Full Registration is Nov.26, 2011. Please note that if your payment is not received by that date, the paper will be removed from the proceedings. This deadline will be strictly enforced.

    Student Registration

            The Student Registration fee means: a student want to attend the conference. Please note that if a student has one accepted paper, he must make at least one FULL registration, then other students can make student registrations.  The student registration fee is  RMB¥800 (USD126, EUR89) . The fee includes:

    A U-Stick that contains the proceeding.

    Access to all conference sessions and tutorials.

    Lunch, coffee breaks, banquet and reception.

    Program brochure and conference goodies (e.g., bags/paper/pens)

    Student registration is available before Nov. 26, 2011. In order to qualify for the student reduced registration fee, proof of current student status (e.g., current Student ID or other proof of current enrollment) must be e-mailed (as an attached scanned image or pdf file) to Meng Jia (jianjian0828@zju.edu.cn ) with a title of “Student Registration for JIST2011”.

    Extra Fee for print copy of Springer proceedings

    The regular registration fee does not include print copy of springer proceeding, if you want a print copy, you need to pay extra fee RMB 600 (EUR67, USD94). The fee include the shipment fee and will all be charged by Springer. We can not distribute the print copy because of time limit. If you pay it in the registration fee, we will mail it after the conference. Please also include your mailing address in your confirmation mail.

    For your convenience, we have calculated the registration fee including the print copy proceeding for you:

         Full registration: RMB 3600 (USD566, EUR400)

         Student registration: RMB 1400 (USD220, EUR156)

    On-Site Registration

    Onsite Registration means: any one who registers after Dec. 4,2011. The onsite registration fee for non-student is RMB4000 (USD$629, EUR445), for student is RMB¥1000(USD157, EUR111).


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