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     * 贴子主题: 数据结构双向链表的C#实现 举报  打印  推荐  IE收藏夹 
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    发贴心情 数据结构双向链表的C#实现

    发信人: Jobs (温少), 信区: DotNET        
    标  题: 数据结构双向链表的C#实现
    发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Thu Jan  2 13:14:38 2003)


        @author     <a href="wen">mailto:szuJobs@hotmail.com">wenshaojin</a>
        @created    January 2, 2003
        @version    1

    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.IO;

    namespace Matrix.Common.Collections
        /// <summary>
        /// 双向链表
        /// </summary>
        public class DoublyLinkedList : IEnumerable
            private DoublyLinkedListNode _first;
            private int _count;

            public DoublyLinkedList()
                _count = 0;
                _first = null;

            public int Count
                    return _count;

            public object this[int pos]
                    if(pos < 0)
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pos");

                    DoublyLinkedListNode current = this._first;

                    int index = 0;

                    while(index < pos && current != null)
                        index ++;
                        current = current.Right;

                    if(current != null)
                        return current.Data;
                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pos");

            private DoublyLinkedListNode FindNode(int pos)
                //p will eventually point to k'th node
                DoublyLinkedListNode p = this._first;
                for(int i=0; i<pos && p != null; i++) // move p to pos'th
                    p = p.Right;

                if(pos > 0 && p == null) // no pos'th
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pos");

                return p;

            private void InsertBefore(DoublyLinkedListNode p, object data)
                DoublyLinkedListNode y = new DoublyLinkedListNode();
                y.Data = data;

                y.Left = p.Left;
                y.Right = p;
                p.Left.Right = y;
                p.Left = y;

            private void Delete(DoublyLinkedListNode p)
                if(p == this._first)
                    this._first = this._first.Right;
                    this._first.Left = null;
                else if(p.Right == null)
                    p.Left.Right = null;
                    p.Left.Right = p.Right;
                    p.Right.Left = p.Left;

            public void Delete(int pos)
                if(pos < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pos");

                DoublyLinkedListNode p = FindNode(pos);

                if(p == null)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pos");


                _count --;

            public void Insert(int pos, object data)
                if(pos < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pos");

                if(pos == 0)
                    DoublyLinkedListNode y = new DoublyLinkedListNode();
                    y.Data = data;

                    if(this._first == null)
                        this._first = y;
                        y.Right = this._first;
                        this._first.Left = y;
                        this._first = y;
                    DoublyLinkedListNode p = FindNode(pos);

                    InsertBefore(p, data);

                _count ++;

            public void MoveToFirst(int pos)
                if(pos < 0 || this._first == null)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pos"); //// no pos'th

                if(pos == 0)

                DoublyLinkedListNode q = FindNode(pos);

                if(q == null)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("pos");


                this._first.Left = q;
                q.Right = this._first;
                q.Left = null;
                this._first = q;

            public void Swap(int posA, int posB)
                if(posA <0 || posA >= this._count)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("posA");

                if(posB <0 || posB >= this._count)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("posB");

                DoublyLinkedListNode p = FindNode(posA);
                DoublyLinkedListNode q = FindNode(posB);

                this.Swap(p, q);

            private void Swap(DoublyLinkedListNode p , DoublyLinkedListNode q)
                if(p == q)

                DoublyLinkedListNode pLeft = p.Left;
                DoublyLinkedListNode pRight = p.Right;
                DoublyLinkedListNode qLeft = q.Left;
                DoublyLinkedListNode qRight = q.Right;

                if(qRight == p)
                    p.Left = qLeft;
                    if(qLeft != null)
                        qLeft.Right = p;

                    if(pRight != null)
                        pRight.Left = q;
                    q.Right = pRight;

                    q.Left = p;
                    p.Right = q;

                else if(pRight == q)
                    q.Left = pLeft;
                    if(pLeft != null)
                        pLeft.Right = q;

                    if(qRight != null)
                        qRight.Left = p;
                    p.Right = qRight;

                    p.Left = q;
                    q.Right = p;
                    q.Left = pLeft;
                    if(pLeft != null)
                        pLeft.Right = q;

                    q.Right = pRight;
                    if(pRight != null)
                        pRight.Left = q;


                    p.Left = qLeft;
                    if(qLeft != null)
                        qLeft.Right = p;

                    p.Right = qRight;
                    if(qRight != null)
                        qRight.Left = p;


                if(this._first == p)
                    this._first = q;
                else if(this._first == q)
                    this._first = p;


            public void Add(object data)
                DoublyLinkedListNode y = new DoublyLinkedListNode();
                y.Data = data;

                if(this._first == null)
                    this._first = y;
                    _count ++;

                DoublyLinkedListNode current = this._first;

                while(current.Right != null)
                    current = current.Right;

                current.Right = y;
                y.Left = current;

                _count ++;

            public void Clear()
                this._first = null;
                _count = 0;

            private void Output(DoublyLinkedListNode node)
                if(node == null)

                DoublyLinkedListNode left = node.Left;
                DoublyLinkedListNode right = node.Right;

                Console.WriteLine("left : " + (left != null ? left.Data.ToString()
    : "null"));
                Console.WriteLine("node : " + node.Data);
                Console.WriteLine("right : " + (right != null ? right.Data.ToStrin
    g() : "null"));

            public void Output()
                int count = this.Count;
                for(int i=0; i<count; i++)
                    DoublyLinkedListNode node = this.FindNode(i);


            public IEnumerator GetEnumerator()
                return new DoublyLinkedListEnumerator(this);

            private class DoublyLinkedListNode
                public object Data;
                public DoublyLinkedListNode Left;
                public DoublyLinkedListNode Right;

            private class DoublyLinkedListEnumerator : IEnumerator
                private DoublyLinkedList _list;
                private DoublyLinkedListNode _location;

                public DoublyLinkedListEnumerator(DoublyLinkedList list)
                    this._list = list;

                public bool MoveNext()
                    if(this._location == null)
                        this._location = _list._first;
                        this._location = this._location.Right;

                    return this._location != null;

                public void Reset()
                    this._location = _list._first;

                public object Current
                        return this._location.Data;


    ※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站 smth.org·[FROM:]

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