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    发信人: evilknights (只为一品香), 信区: DotNET        
    标  题: C#的B+树程序
    发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Fri Dec 13 16:37:39 2002), 转信

    using System;
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Xml.Serialization;
    using System.IO;
    namespace Kingsun
    #region Node Definition Group
    public class Pair//Each BPNode stores an array of Pair
      public object pointer;//BPNode leaves point to string,
      //BPNode internal nodes point to BPNode,a downcast will work when needed
      public int key;//The key value for this pair,in C#,'int' is 32-bit(4-byte)
          //so there is no need to define it as 'long'
      public Pair(int key,object pointer)
      public Pair()
    }//class Pair
    public class BPNode//The BPNode class
      public bool isLeaf;//True if this is a leaf
      public Pair[] recarray;//Array of key/pointer pairs
      public int numrec;//Number of pairs currently in node
      private BPNode leftptr,rightptr;//Each level forms a doubly-linked table
      public void setPrev(BPNode LNode)//protect leftptr from being serialized
      public BPNode getPrev()
       return leftptr;
      public void setNext(BPNode RNode)//protect rightptr from being serialized
      public BPNode getNext()
       return rightptr;
      public bool isFull//read-only property
         return true;
        else return false;
      public int maxSize//read-only property
         return 5;
        else return 4;
      public BPNode()//constructor
       recarray=new Pair[5];
       for(int i=0;i<5;i++)
        recarray[i]=new Pair();
    }//class BPNode
    public class BPT
      #region Base Section
      public BPNode BPTroot;
      public BPT()//Initialization
       BPTroot=new BPNode();
       BPTroot.recarray[0]=new Pair(0,"VIRTUAL RECORD");//Virtual record whose k
    ey is less than any
      static void Main(string[] args)
       BPT myBPT=new BPT();
       bool running=true;
       char inp;
       Console.WriteLine("I.Insert a Record");
       Console.WriteLine("D.Delete a Record");
       Console.WriteLine("V.View a Range");
       Console.WriteLine("F.Find a Record");
       Console.WriteLine("S.Save to XML");
       Console.WriteLine("L.Load from XML");
        Console.Write("Please Input[I,D,V,F,S,L,Q]:");
        switch(inp)//message mapping
         case 'i':goto case 'I';
         case 'I':myBPT.InsertBPT();break;
         case 'd':goto case 'D';
         case 'D':myBPT.RemoveBPT();break;
         case 'v':goto case 'V';
         case 'V':myBPT.ViewRange();break;
         case 'f':goto case 'F';
         case 'F':myBPT.FindBPT();break;
         case 's':goto case 'S';
         case 'S':myBPT.SaveBPT();break;
         case 'l':goto case 'L';
         case 'L':myBPT.LoadBPT();break;
         case 'q':goto case 'Q';
         case 'Q':running=false;break;
      #region Insert Function Group
      void InsertBPT()
        Pair tmpPair=new Pair();
        Console.Write("Insert Key:");
        if(tmpPair.key<=0)throw new Exception("Keys must be above zero!");
        Pair retPair=inserthelp(BPTroot,tmpPair);
         BPNode NewRoot=new BPNode();
       catch(Exception e)
      //insert recursive entry
      Pair inserthelp(BPNode root,Pair tmpPair)
       Pair insPair;
       int currec=binaryle(root.recarray,root.numrec,tmpPair.key);
       if(root.isLeaf)//Leaf node -- set up values to insert
         Console.WriteLine("Duplicates are not allowed for primary key! ");
         return null;
        else insPair=tmpPair;
       else//internal node
        if(insPair==null)return null;//Child did not split, so no insert into cu
    rrent node
       //Now, do the insert to the current node. Split if neccessary
        return null;
        BPNode tp=splitnode(root,currec,insPair);
        return new Pair(tp.recarray[0].key,tp);
      //putinarray(A,pos,pair) places pair in array A at position pos.
      void putinarray(BPNode root,int pos,Pair pair)
       for(int i=root.numrec-1;i>pos;i--)
      //Function splitnode(rt,pos,pair) places in rt at pos.
      //But, int the process, rt is split into two nodes, each
      //taking half of the records, and the new node is returned.
      BPNode splitnode(BPNode root,int pos,Pair pair)
       BPNode RNode=new BPNode();
       //How to split the root depends on whether it's a leaf or non-leaf node
       for(int i=0;i<5;i++)//move the former records
        int n=i;
       if(pos+1>2)//process the inserted record
       }//step2:redirect pointers
       return RNode;
      #region Find/View Function Group
      void FindBPT()
        Console.Write(" Find Key:");
        int K=Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
        int key=K;
        BPNode ResultNode=findhelp(BPTroot,ref K);//K is used to pass a key to c
    hild function
                  //and retrieve the index of the key from child funtion
        else Console.WriteLine("Cannot Find Any!");
       catch(Exception e)
      //find recursive entry
      BPNode findhelp(BPNode root,ref int K)
       int currec=binaryle(root.recarray,root.numrec,K);
       if(root.isLeaf)//if it is a leaf node...
        return root;
       else return findhelp((BPNode)root.recarray[currec].pointer,ref K);//Proce
    ss Child
      //function binaryle(A,n,K) returns the index of the greatest value
      //less than or equal to K in array A containing n records.
      int binaryle(Pair[] recarray,int numrec,int K)
       int i=1;//the first virtual one(i=0) can never be greater than K
       while(i<numrec)//do-while is OK
        else i++;
       return i-1;
      void ViewRange()
        Console.Write("Range Start Key:");
        int K1=Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
        int key=K1;
        Console.Write("Range End Key:");
        int K2=Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
        BPNode ResultNode=findhelp(BPTroot,ref key);//K is used to pass a key to
    child function
                 //and retrieve the index of the key from child funtion
         else break;
       catch(Exception e)
      #region Save/Load Function Group
      void SaveBPT()
        XmlSerializer serializerw = new XmlSerializer(typeof(BPNode));
        TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter("BPTExpr.xml");
       catch(Exception e)
      void LoadBPT()
        XmlSerializer serializerr = new XmlSerializer(typeof(BPNode));
        FileStream fs = new FileStream("BPTExpr.xml", FileMode.Open);
        BPTroot = (BPNode)serializerr.Deserialize(fs);
       catch(Exception e)
      void ReCreateLink(BPNode root)
       if(root.isLeaf)return;//There's no need to re-create links for single-nod
    e tree
        for(int i=0;i<root.numrec;i++)
       for(int i=0;i<root.numrec-1;i++)
      #region Delete Function Group
      void RemoveBPT()
        Console.Write("Delete Key:");
        int K=Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
        if(K==0)throw new Exception("Virtual Record is not allowed to delete!");

        int retvalue=removehelp(BPTroot,K,0);
         throw new Exception("Record Not Found");
        else if(retvalue==0)
       catch(Exception e)
      //delete recursive entry removehelp returns position of the child node adj
      //if any. If the child node did not underflow or change its first record,
      //then return -1, to indicate the parent shouldn't be modified.
      int removehelp(BPNode root,int K,int thispos)
       int currec=binaryle(root.recarray,root.numrec,K);
         return -2;
       {//Delete from child
        if(currec<0)//Child did not underflow -1 or cannot find record -2
         return currec;
        else if(((BPNode)root.recarray[currec].pointer).numrec!=0)
        {//Child was shuffled -- adjust key value
         root.recarray[currec].key= ((BPNode)root.recarray[currec].pointer).reca
         return -1;//Child did not underflow
       //Now,remove record at position currec,for internal node, this means its  
    child has been cleared.
       if(root.numrec>2)//Enough records, just remove it
        return -1;
       {//Underflow, if it doesn't have any left neighbour,then merge right,else
    merge left
        {//root node
          return 0;//0 notify BPTroot to decrease its level
         else return -1;
        else if(root.getPrev()==null)
        {//the left most node
          return thispos+1;//Right neighbour is now empty
          return thispos+1;//Right neighbour has new first record
        {//other node
          return thispos;//This node is now empty
          return thispos;//This node has new first record
      //Funciton merge_nodes(N1,N2) merges together the record arrays of BPNodes
    N1 and N2.
      void merge_nodes(BPNode left,BPNode right)
       for(int i=left.numrec;i<left.numrec+right.numrec;i++)
      //Function shuffle_nodes(N1,N2) copies records as necessary within
      //BPNodes N1 and N2, so that both have equal number of records.
      void shuffle_nodes(BPNode left,BPNode right)
        for(int i=1;i>=0;i--)//at most two need to move
        for(int i=0;i<right.numrec-1;i++)
      //Function removerec(A,n,c) removes the record at position c from array A  
    containing n records.
      void removerec(BPNode root,int pos)
       for(int i=pos;i<root.numrec-1;i++)
    }//class BPT
    }//namespace Kingsun


    ※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站 smth.edu.cn·[FROM:]

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