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    发信人: nice (春天), 信区: DotNET        
    标  题: C#快餐-13
    发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Thu Jul 26 02:17:04 2001)

    Lesson 13. Events

    Let's start with a simple event algorithm.
    Data: John is a 3rd grade student.
    Event: John gets a grade (A-F)
    Who is affected?: Mom, dad, sister.
    How are they affected?: Mom and dad are happy when the grade is good  
    (better than C) and upset otherwise.

    Since John and his sister just had a fight, John's sister has an opposite  
    reaction to her parents'. Bellow is a simple program which illustrates John's  
    family reaction to his grades. Class Test is listening to all events of type
    grade. Every time a new grade is received, class Test triggers an event.  
    Class Event sends a message to a class that is subscribed to the event. If no  
    class is subscribed, the event is not handled by the program.

    using System;
    public delegate void grade_event(string s);
    class Event
        public event grade_event grade;//delegate grade is a member of Event
        public void trigger_event(string s)
        else Console.WriteLine("Event is not registered");
    class Test
        public static void catch_event(string s)
            Console.WriteLine(" Grade event "+s+" is caught");
                Console.WriteLine("The mom and the Dad are happy with "+s);
                Console.WriteLine(" The sister is upset with "+s);
             else if( s=="C" || s=="D" || s=="F"){
                Console.WriteLine(" The mom and the dad are upset with "+s);
                Console.WriteLine(" The sister is happy with "+s);
            Console.WriteLine("The mom, the dad and the sister cannot understand
    teacher's handwriting");
        public static void Main()
            Event my_event=new Event();
            my_event.grade+=new grade_event(catch_event); //register grade with  
            my_event.grade-=new grade_event(catch_event); //quit registration

    Several different classes can use the same event handler to subscribe to  
    messages. Here is another program which illustrates this point. This program  
    has a class Grade which sends messages about John's grades and class Health  
    which sends messages about his health.

    using System;
    public delegate void my_event(string s);
    class Event
        public event my_event mevent;//delegate mevent is a member of Event
        public void trigger_event(string s)
        else Console.WriteLine("Event is not registered");
    class Grade
        public static void catch_event(string s)
            Console.WriteLine("Grade event "+s+" is caught");
                Console.WriteLine("Mam and Dad are happy with "+s);
                Console.WriteLine("Sister is uppset with "+s);
             else if(s=="C"||s=="D"||s=="F"){
                Console.WriteLine("Mam and Dad are uppset with "+s);
                Console.WriteLine("Sister is happy with "+s);
            Console.WriteLine("Mam, Dad and sister cannot understand teacher's h
        public Grade()
            Event test=new Event();
            test.mevent+=new my_event(catch_event); //register grade with catch_
            test.mevent-=new my_event(catch_event); //quit registration
    class Health
        public static void catch_event(string s)
            Console.WriteLine("Health event "+s+" is caught");
                Console.WriteLine("Mam and Dad and the sister are worried that J
    ohn is"+s);
        public Health()
            Event test=new Event();
            test.mevent+=new my_event(catch_event); //register grade with catch_
            test.mevent-=new my_event(catch_event); //quit registration
    public class Test
        public static void Main()
        Health t1=new Health();
        Grade t2=new Grade();

    We will see in the next lesson how events are handled by the Graphical User  


    ※ 修改:·walts 於 Jul 26 10:30:27 修改本文·[FROM:]
    ※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站 smth.org·[FROM:]

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